

Responses from johnk

Speaker cabinet construction..
Ports are of use dont toss the babie out with the bath water. But for smaller rooms and close seating. A sealed design will be far less colored and easyer to place. Poor designed loudspeaker cabinets can add much coloration to sound, smearing imag... 
Mega-Speakers from Linn Audio....
Peter N of PBN I dont think you have much to worry about;) 
Opinions on Full-Range/single driver speakers
Audio Nirvana not so hot. Go fostex f200a. Keep in mind you have experts sugesting f200a you have newbes suggesting AN. Keep this in mind. 
How important are the Speaker Cabinets?
Benifits of a thicker cabinet wall. Better bass definition. Less coloration. Better image since drivers not vibrating on baffle as much as thin cab. To me doubled cabinet walls with bracing are the way to go. MDF is a poor choice baltic birch ply ... 
Opinions on Full-Range/single driver speakers
Jordans not my cup of tea. But some fullranges are not as limiting as others suggest seems since so many fullranges about many not aproaching close to fullrange this can be confusing. And some only have experance with the cheap little ones. And wi... 
Cleaning horns on Avantgarde speakers?
Trust me the honda spray polish works amazing they should include some when they sell AG. And is only $7 bucks a can no sprayer needed. I owned AG horns plus many many others mostly with painted finish. Nice thing about the honda spray is it filte... 
Great old speakers that are as good as new ones
Altec model 19 or JBL over klipsch but keep in mind all old gear may need some upgrading or repairs. Also old loudspeakers make work great when you purchase but can fail.They are old after all. So if you can not repair or DIY. Might not be the bes... 
Cleaning horns on Avantgarde speakers?
Honda spray polish and micro fiber cloth spray polish on cloth. Polish away after coating easy to just dust with MFC. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I had a 50 year old pair of altecs 420y. Sadly one just died monday. I hang my head in shame.....But it can be rebuilt I can make it better than it was before better stronger faster;) 
What is your favorite type of tweeter?
My list GOTO SG06, Fostex t500amk2, RAAL D140, SEAS T35. So far these are some of the best I have used. 2 are compression drivers 1 a ribbon other a dome;) Seems I have no favorite type============= 
What is your favorite type of tweeter?
Try the SEAS exotic t35. Best yet by SEAS. 
What year did tube lose to SS
Rar1 tubes have been used as a picture tube long past this. Think they are still made.CRT 
Which speakers are higher efficiency?
None of the loudspeakers listed is a good match. Sure music will be made but amp will alter frequincy responce plus amp will be clipping much of the time. 4-6k You have options for a proper matched loudspeaker. Since I manufacter such loudspeakers... 
Crossovers, Internal or External?
External can have benifits. Maybe this would offer slight sonic benifit on your ML. But probly not much. Plus greatly reduces resale value. And will void any warrenty. The deflex will not be as effective since its for a woofer. Deflex is best for ... 
Any High-end speakers "kid-friendly" not fragile?
Wall mount them.