

Responses from johnk

Wavac Audio amps
I had 3 over the years once bought a used one off the gon and it failed I inquired about having it repaired fully expecting to pay since amp was used so sent it in next thing I know I get a email from WAVAC and they sent me a brand new amp I also ... 
Vintage Cinaudagraph speakers
Not much maybe 200 
SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers
A 45 if used just on a mid horn of 106db plus is a wonderful thing and if possible one should try to hear such but if poster enjoys the 45 with the AN nothing wrong with that. 2nd order can sound good to the ear. Enjoying our system choice is what... 
SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers
I have owned many 45 SET amps as well as loads of other SET to get the best out of 45 I have had to biamp even on horns the 45 SET doesn't drive woofers well but is amazing  on horns. I have had some luck using with fullrange BLH with 45 SET. But ... 
Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?
At times I use a 326 bee on some of my horns its does well at that unlike many costly SS amps. While its not the best I have heard it doesn't make me hate it I can tolerate the 326bee and at its price that is high praise. 
Mellow speakers
One thing the old designers knew was that if you extend frequency on top it needs to be extended on bottom. Today many loudspeakers are voiced hot in treble. Toss in small drivers running off high power thermal compression sets in and you have a r... 
Single driver loudspeakers
SEAS X-1 is a good option meets most of what owners asks for. 
Single driver loudspeakers
PHY are interesting and I have used most models inc SAG versions but over all over priced for performance given. 
Single driver loudspeakers
Its not, best over all performance for widebands is the 6-8 inch consider fostex fe168esig  
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Experience trumps conjecture. So while its great so many have opinions  without supporting experience its just noise. 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Tomcy6 Were did I say this-  no progress in speaker technology since the 30s and that we should all own 30s speakers.-I mention how little progress in loudspeaker design since the 30s and never once did I suggest to anyone that all people should ... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
You can easily add a part or 2 and bring a 1930s loudspeaker system into modern times but you cant make a 1930s phone a smart phone can you? Never said we made no progress just very little. And if tomcy6 would look about google he would see comple... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
The Shearers have been set up with RCA FC  from the 1930s RCA alnicos from the 1940s have also run Altecs EV in them. Run a few different multicells inc the 18 cell. Had TAD 4001 in Iwata mids on them for awhile. I have a large collection of horns... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
After owning many Altec a2 a4 a5 a7 as well as others and also having the ability to compare the Altec a4 to Shearer. A a4 is nearly the same loudspeaker design as a shearer accept for the massive W bin of Shearers. The 210 cabinet isn't a upgrade... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
 I’d bet that you couldn’t find a single speaker manufacturer who would be interested in doing reproductions of speakers from the 30s. -http://www.toneimports.com/lmaudio/lmaudioHome.html   http://stores.ebay.com/Angels-Western-Sound  http://we1...