

Responses from johnk

Wilson Audio Haters
D.A.R.T. is the only company in HI-FI that offers the Wilson hater or other audiophiles the ability to truly decouple listener from room induced resonance issues that plague all lesser systems mostly causing the 2 D effect. This nasty R.I.R.I. tha... 
Line Magnetic 219ia vs Mc225
Maybe buy the Shindo listed on AG and a tube phono preamp. If you enjoy the sound consider replacing the klipsch with a better horn. LM gear is OK I have owned a bunch but  I do not trust the repair network and I had noise issues on my horns runni... 
Looking for any speaker recomendations for a sub flea watt amp
 Altec multicell with 288 driver bass horn with 515b you have options on mid bass and mid horn size. On the right horn the amp can sound very good.  I enjoyed my ha-02 mostly in summer in my office system running altecs and a few of my custom desi... 
Looking for any speaker recomendations for a sub flea watt amp
Heat/Efficency of Speakers
I suggest a affordable low heat producing amp for summer that is what I do in my office when it gets hot.  
What are the smallest speakers that are clean and flat down to 20hz?
No small loudspeaker can output 20hz flat. And if you designed one that did its output would be so low to be of no use.  
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
I also run systems with combinations of vintage and modern. Running on modern amplification and with modern sources. A upgraded 30-60s design can easily compete with modern efforts and in many cases are the better option. 
Enough SET Power for Rock and Roll
SET amplifiers from 6-12 watts can drive most of my horn collection to Rock concert SPL levels in home. But you do have to have a massive horn loaded design to do this and it must be designed for lower power.  I cheat a bit I have 1 system that is... 
Viva, no longer a fan
Most manufacturers will not upgrade 10 year old amplifiers. Most people asking for such and getting a no answer dont slander the company online.  Only thing VIVA did to this guy is say no to his upgrade. And he acts like the sky is falling. 
RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
Pretty sure its using fountek drivers so consider its running $300 retail in drivers and you liked it maybe DIY a pair 
Let's see or discuss your desktop speakers!
In my office I  run community leviathans with 4 altec 515b woofers,2- TAD 4001 on Iwata horns, pair fostex t500amk2 and a custom built subwoofer with 18inch driver and hypex amp. Works wonderful in nearfield I sit about 6-8ft from them. I've tried... 
SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers
I can play any music I like at any volume I want included levels that would severely damage hearing. This I can do on 6 SET watts easy. I love heavy metal punk blues jazz classical, pipe organ etc I have no limits this is what one can get with car... 
Speakers in the 5-6K$ region & their components
Whatever the design the transducers used will impose limits the designer will work within said limits. Many loudspeaker manufacturers use very affordable parts so they can make profits.  Those saying that cheap is fine its the magic of the designe... 
Designer Hall of Fame
Harry F Olson 
SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers
Seems more than a few running 45 SET with under 100db loudspeakers are saying they do not listen loud and are limited in music selection. If you want few limits with 45 SET want to play any type of music you care to you will most likely need a hor...