Responses from johnk
Best undiscovered speakers on the market today ? KCS AL2 if you want alot of performance and the best in parts for your hard earned cash. | |
Burned out hi fi salesman I had my chance to buy my friends audioshop I looked into it did a biz plan etc. and found it to be a dying biz .Only thing floating it was HT home install.Well for years I bought most all my gear from these fine folks but as time moved on and aud... | |
300B tube death question........ Ive had one 300b fail it went microphonic.Had many other tubes fail no problems just replaced tubes | |
Descent Subwoofer Problem My screws loosened up and rattled.Had other problems so I sold mine and found much better low frequincy producers for less cash. | |
Internal Speaker Cabling I build loudspeaker I perfer to direct wire avoiding binding posts to me it doesnt make sence to run crazy costly cables to large metal binding posts and then having dissimilar cheap wire inside after posts.If performance and not audiophile valida... | |
Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon I have heard eidolon with many dif amps this loudspeaker realy needs hiquality powerful amps to sing.We tried Krells ended up with 600watt,Also MF kilowatt this was the best match the audio research 200 watt monos where not near as good as SS. We ... | |
Are you open minded about loudspeaker designs? Thxs for the posts I like to try out whatever I can. I do tend to go with Hieff designs but today they can be most any design.For years I mostly purchased electrostatic ribbon or planars but today I DIY. | |
Single Driver Horn vs Multi driver efficient spker Fostex f200a is a wonderful full range you should hear it in a larger TL without corective network.If you would want better sound add a raven r1 ribbon tweeter. I built a pair like this for a friend 5 years ago.System sounds wonderful makes me wan... | |
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke? The only joke is on the folks who say that modern horns perform badly, this is a bunch of BS.They image great ,have huge dynamics, large sound stage, can produce massive SPL without strain and can run on the smallest of amps.Most folks dont own ho... | |
The Night Air Your brains more relaxed at night ,ionizers have no effect on sound.And yes AC line in most places has less noise at night.humidity effects sound after all you are moving air when air is full of water it reacts diferantly. | |
Subs for horn systems I have owned AV Duo 2.2 I have since built many front horns. The imperial style bass cabinets are far better than even AV new bass horns.I have heard and owned many of the high quality subs on the market inc REL ,Martin Logan Velodyne,JM labs Thie... | |
Any tube subwoofers out there? Yes But there DIY,my pair are horns over 8ft tall have dual 18in ea and are 103db 1 watt but can handle 500 con.No sub on the market is even close to there performance. | |
Why Energize the Whole Room/Virtual Reality Audio? Its called near or close field listening many have done this.I do for monitoring but large loudspeakers in big space sound more like real music.You dont get the image in the head sound when you do this. | |
47 Labs Integrated Amp 20W X 2 Mine was the best radio I have owned it picked up so much RF noise it was mostly unusable.YMMV but if you live near or in a big city I would consider this. | |
Whats your opinion of modern horn loudspeakers? links to some of my horns |