

Responses from johngp

KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Arthur,Sorry, I missed this for a bit. We are currently working on a few things; one being possibly a gold USB cable. Also working on some more affordable cables using copper, silver etc. I'll keep you posted. Hope you're doing great and the new r... 
Review: KCI Silkworm Plus Interconnect
Blindjim,Pricing can easily be found on the website.Rja,We did figure out that the Xhadow plugs work fine but you need to be careful when plugging them in and not force them to far in as they do not need to "click" into place like some other plugs... 
Shuguang Treasure tubes....
Cousin,Please do keep us posted, very interested in these babies. I love the KT-88's!! 
KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
I tell you; I love the Phi series amps, great stuff but a friend had the Musicblocs and they sounded great to me. Have you seen the Phi Alpha? Would love a pair of those babies! Anyway, hope you're well, have a good day...John 
Review: KCI Silkworm+ Interconnect Interconnect
Mintzar,Thank you for the great review, very much appreciated. Now, send that Dude on down here to me!! John 
Review: Tube Research Labs The Dude Tube preamp
Great review Mintzar, thank you! I keep hearing great things about this Preamp and hope to audition one soon. Geez man, I need to win the lottery....Thank you,John 
Audio in Austin
I'm in Austin as well, please feel free to pm me as well.John 
Why don't gold based cable fans try Synergistic
I have to say that this is an interesting thread and, this was great; "Ozzy, I can assure you that my systems can resolve even a flea fart." Ya gotta love audio!Best,John 
KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Hey Sherod,Sorry I missed this until just now. Is your email working? I've tried emailing and it got kicked back twice....Have you compared your Musicblocs to the Phi series? Can the Musicblocs run balanced and single ended? Thanks for the info!John 
KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Pat,Any updates on your new speakers? Still waiting to hear your thoughts on those babies!Sherod,What pre/amp are you currently using in your system? Speakers?Regards,John 
Small mono tube amps...do any exist?
Sammie,A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of hearing Dodd Audio's newest battery powered amps(mono blocks) and they are wonderful!! You should check them out, they are VERY fairly priced. John 
USHER BE-20 + Spectron Musician III MK2
Natty,I am currently using a BAT 51SE preamp and a VAC Phi 110 stereo amp on my Be-20's and love it. Great sound, huge sound stage and all the other audiophile words apply, great combo IMHO.Regards,John 
Kingsound King Speakers Huge ESLs
Hi Douglas,Boy I've been eyeballing those speakers for quite a while now. Huge planar/electrostat fan here and though my room wouldn't work with that big of a planar I'd still love to see/hear those babies! To me they seem to be an exceptional val... 
Yacco Whirly Wisp or Cauda Equina interconnects?
Pretty cool actually..Yeahhh, I've got some Whirly Wisps running from my CDP to my Pre and then I topped it off with some Lucky 7's from my Pre to my amp-the sound is beautiful. Ha ha, now those are some unique names-love it! John 
KCI Pure Gold and the benefits
Rx8man,Did you receive your cables from Sherod yet? How about those new speakers-any thoughts on them so far? Let us know your thoughts, I for one am VERY curious about your thoughts on the speakers. John