
Responses from joeylawn36111

You can't have too many apostrophe's
When I was in college at Syracuse University in the early 80s, in my particular curriculum we would receive FAILING grades on our papers if we had only ONE typo or misspelling.Stuff like that makes me mad as hell. Pure BS. Colleges really suck! 
Mellencamp on Music Business
Just another liberal blaming everything on Republicans.... 
Long Power Cord
As thick as possible. Long extention cords can cause a voltage drop if the wire gauge is too small. 12 gauge or larger should be fine. 
Will high volume setting blow an amplifier?
Don't know all the details, but it sounds like there was something wrong Before you set the volume control at 50%. Just because the gain setting was 'high' - that shouldn't damage an amplifier. (Speakers can be damaged like that). The 'loud hum' y... 
How to order Wally Tools...
So how much is this Wally Tractor? Sounds like instead of a lawyer being consulted, the FBI should be notified.... 
Serious Addiction to Gear
Great post Mechans. 
Sexiest Pop Song Ever?
Missing Persons "Words" after seeing that Video....;) 
How can you tell if a recording is in mono?
Some old tuners have a built-in scope, or you can use a seperate oscilloscope. When measuring right vs left on a scopes x-y mode, mono will be a diagonal line with no with, while stereo will be a diagonal 'squiggle' (for lack of a better word) var... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Cars? What are those? LOL. I drive Trucks. (actually, that's changed) Have a '02 Ford F250 Diesel for work and had (past tense) a '00 Ford F150 for regular driving. However, I totaled the 150 - now I use a Ford Escape for getting around. 
ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?
This weekend, I used a cutoff wheel on a Dremel tool to remove 2 stuck heads on a Soundcrafstmen I was modding. But you can also use a Dremel cutoff wheel to cut a new 'flat head slot' in the bad screw and remove it that way. Obviously, this has t... 
How far away is your Nirvana
Nirvana? That band sucked.Sorry, couldn't resist. ;) 
Has Anyone Criticized The Choice Of Your Cables?
04-24-09: PopsOnce...just onceAnd now dey sleep with da fishes....LOL 
Bagpipe Music?? I wouldnt know what to get. Any recommendations Joeylawn36111?My dad was in the service, and he must have first heard it when he was stationed in the UK. So, I heard a lot of it growing up when he would play it on his stereo. Most ... 
Bagpipe Music. I don't listen a lot, but I do like it. ;) 
Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll
One "irrefutable truth" of rock and roll we can all agree on:Spinal Tap can't hang on to a Drummer for any decent length of time.;)