

Responses from joeinid

Amp and volume control for JBL 4367?
I have and love a Job INTegrated and it's wonderful on the 4367. They are easy to drive and the DAC in the Job is superb. 
Pass Labs 350.8 or 260.8 ?
Tubesrule,Studio2 are easier to drive than Salon2. My recommendation because I own the speakers, Pass and First Watt amps is go with the XA60.8 for monos for a little more warmth. For a little more slam with top end sweetness the X250.8.My amp of ... 
Wyred 4 Sound - New Aura preamp? Anyone know anything? No response from the company ...
Actually, it looks like the preamp pricing for the standard version will start at $3999. There’s a possibility of an upgraded version with pricing to be determined after introduction. 
Valvet E2. 300B killer?
Thank you. 
Valvet E2. 300B killer?
Has anyone used or is using a tube preamp into their Valvet E2? I wonder if that will “warm” up the sound a little more? 
McIntosh MA252 Tube/Hybrid Integrated Amplifier Giveaway
Very kind of you Adrian.  
Wyred 4 Sound - New Aura preamp? Anyone know anything? No response from the company ...
I found out that it’s expected mid next year. Final details are being worked out with an improvement over the existing STP-SE.Can’t wait.  
Kinki EX M1 user comments
Haven’t had a moment yet to really write up my thoughts on the kinky, busy with family matters and setting up things for the Jbl. I have been listening to the amp for quite a bit. But I got the JBL coming so now we got a whole new can of worms t... 
Has anyone compared the new MicroZOTL Preamp to the MZ2?
Thank you very muck lancelock. I’m probably going to end up with the new preamp and Ultralinear amp after all the dust settles. 
Has anyone compared the new MicroZOTL Preamp to the MZ2?
Thank you for that link. In fact, both of those gentlemen pushed me over the edge to buy the MZ2.I’m looking for a little more meat on the bone or fullness from the new preamp. Something that I feel I don’t have enough of now. 
Has anyone compared the new MicroZOTL Preamp to the MZ2?
Thank you. I love the MZ2 enough to get the new full size MicroZotl but want to make sure that it’s not just different but better. 
Job amps: Suck?
I absolutely love my Job INTegrated and it’s not going anywhere. Hopefully they will introduce new Job monos. My brother bought mine and loves them.  
New Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL Preamplifer
bumpAny updates or new preamps out in the field? 
Fantastic Customer Service from Audio Classics
Truly a class act. Love both Mike and Ryan. Absolutely no BS. McIntosh would be in trouble without them. 
JBL 4312SE 70th Anniversary ?
Thank you for the posts so far. I have the 4312D and love them but can’t find any concrete info on the anniversary speakers.http://www.audioshark.org/showthread.php?t=8044&p=182316&viewfull=1#post182316