

Responses from joeinid

Advice: SS amp with McIntosh sound without its weight and size?
Colin from Nord Acoustics is a class act and a gentleman. Great guy to deal with. Congratulations! Please let us know how you like the amps. Give them hundreds of hours to break in. 
Magnepan's new LRS?
bumpAny updates from new owners? 
New Buchardt S400 Signature
New Buchardt S400 Signature
Does anyone know if these speakers sound great at low volume?I know some speakers fall flat at low volume and don't even come alive until they are cranked a little. 
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not
Thank you.They are fun for sure. I’m considering a pair of 30.2 Anniversary for fun. The 40.2 are probably too big for my space. 
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not
Hi Peter,Thank you very much. I appreciate your thoughts. I sold a pair of 40.1 with the intention of getting 40.2 but after a few pairs of speakers, I now have Avantgarde Duo XD. Way different sound but I do love them.Have a very happy and health... 
Thought My Harbeth M40.1's Were Forever Speakers - Guess Not
Peter,Are are the new Harbeth 40.2’s your new forever speakers? 
Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?
There’s no replacement for displacement they say. The MQ-300 has transformers that weigh a ton in comparison. It’s a wonderfully beefy 8wpc. I know from experience. I had no doubt it would work in his situation. I’m so happy he is experiencing tha... 
New Buchardt S400 Signature
I kept checking for the signature model. I missed one or two days and now they are all sold out again.Sigh 
Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?
Bump for any update  
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
Bump for an update, especially @mac480025 
Anyone experienced the Luxman MQ-300 or/and The Air Tight ATM-300R?
The MQ-300 is one sweet performer.:) 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
Tswisla,Thank you for your response. I have a Luxman MQ300 with Takatsuki 300b and it’s wonderful. A friend has a pair of Frankenstein mk III and loves them. He’s thinking about trying different tubes. So far the Acme are getting great reviews.Par... 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
bump.Anyone with a Mk III care to add an update on the amp? Has anyone tried Takatsuki 300B tubes?Thank you. 
Naim Audio system owners - What speakers are you using with Naim?
I agree caphill. I’m looking at it almost daily and weekly at a minimum. I have nothing but respect and love for Naim. I’ve converted a few friends to Naim. One friend in particular came from Burmester and Dartzeel. He’s ecstatic with his Supernai...