
Responses from jneutron

Electrostatic speaker cables...
Audioengr: ""Propagation speed????? You must be joking. This is not a common-clock digital system. This is analog audio for kripes sake! Series inductance is the most important parameter, followed by capacitance and dielectric absorption.""Yes..pr... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
""The driving force for the martensitic transformation is the instable crystal structure of Austensite at lower temperature. So without forming austenite again. The driving force is gone.""The point is, at a specific temperature, austenite/martens... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
Sean: Yah, got the jones bad...AA's been toast last coupla days...Actually, "facts and figures" is my primary language..english, unfortunately is a distant second one..:-)Prop vel is very simple to calc...just measure cap and inductance..no sweat ... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
Yes, you are correct in part. In order for the transformation to martensite to occur, austenite is indeed required..and that is obtained by heat.What is more important, though, is the fact that it is a diffusionless process, one that does not requ... 
Do materials alter frequencies and speed?
The characteristic impedance of a cable is Z=sqr(L/C).The propagation velocity is V=1/sqr(LC), and also V=speed of light/sqr(epsilon times mu).Massaging of the equations of a coaxial run provide us the relation: L times C = 1034 times the dielectr... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
I mentioned the martensite transformation for one very important reason. It is a "diffusionless" phase transformation..in other words, the change at the atomic level, from a face centered cubic crystalline structure (FCC) to the body center cubic ... 
Why "Cryo" anything?
Hi guys...just joined..Cryo treatment of steel: As steel is cooled to a point below M s , known as the martensite start temperature, martensite will begin to form, it being transformed from austenite.. At M f , a lower temperature known as the mar...