
Responses from jneutron

Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Geoff,You've made me laugh now. I've only been considering heat tempering/quenching for antique clock springs, and am preparing to purchase firebrick to be able to cherry red springs about 6 inches dia un-sprung for oil/water quench. Believe it or... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Geoff,You mentioned tempered springs. Do you get involved in the tempering at all? I ask because antique clock mainsprings tend to lose their strength over time, and I suspect that I may be able to re-temper them after opening them up again, perha... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Mapman,Yah, they do look like the old style antenna wires...That configuration will increase inductance and lower capacitance. Low C is always liked by the audio guys.This also increases the characteristic impedance of the cables as well. Phono in... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Rower,You said:You seem to be a little too easy to get upset about some things so it's going to be hard to please you. I'll do my best.My response:Nothing could be further from the truth. Your statement is a diversionary tactic being used in an at... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Rower,A simple followup.Your first post to me included your words.."""information is power. get some.""You are arrogant without foundation to be so.I provided actual engineering on skin and cables, most taken directly from UNDERGRADUATE engineerin... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
You cite audioholics as a source???That explains a lot.Gene D's a nice guy. Some of the articles are pretty straitforward, even though I don't care for the style. I didn't even mind that he quotes some of my technical explanations in some of his a... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
H Geoff, same employ for me, same games for you I see. It'd be a boring world if you conformed...I don't want a boring world..Rower..I just knew I'd mess up the quotes...sigh...Audiolab...Much of what Rower has stated is in error or misconstrued, ... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Rower,sorry to respond before you have a chance to see my last post..These two paragraphs tell me everything I need to know about you."quote"So let's say you arrive at your "complex" impedance by adding the vector sum of the real and imaginary (ca... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
I have copied your post and am interjecting comments in "" "" marks, it gets less confusing that way. I wish I could color my inserts red, but such is life..First however, one clarification on a comment you made earlier, that a vacuum dielectric w... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
GK, I prefer discussing scientific entities. Your statements are not scientifically supported by any test.If you wish to claim burn in of wires, please provide scientific evidence of such claims.If you wish to claim cryogenic alteration of either ... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Mapman,For impedance matching in speaker wires to make any difference at all, a few things need to happen.First, the speaker impedance has to vary enough in the midband frequency range such that a mismatch can cause enough delay variation. If the ... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
What we were taught in school about t-lines and reflections did indeed discount the possibility of reflections in the audio band for short cables. Unfortunately, that was based on an approximation, one used to simplify the engineer's job. Like the... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
Almarg, an excellent post.You are correct in interpretation of my 2005 statement, it is precisely what I said AND MEANT at that time.HOWEVER, my statement then is correct ONLY with respect to lines which have an impedance which matches the load. A... 
Why are we going 300 or more directions?
The skin effect numbers cited are incorrect. In the audio band, it is necessary to use the bessels for accurate numbers, the exponential approximation is incorrect.All t lines obey the simple equation LC =1034 DC when the t-lines are constrained, ... 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
Cable design, category speakers... Hmmm, some background..The only thing a cable is supposed to do is transfer energy to the load. Any storage of energy within the cable results in the load energy being slightly lagging.. This storage is both indu...