
Responses from jmcgrogan2

Price to list ad
@trelja , that sounds GREAT Joe!I can relate to the getting up early day after day after day grind, yes, that does get old very quickly.You are very fortunate to be able to get out of that rat race at such a young age. I'm envious!And yes, I DO be... 
Awesome new cables from Jorma Design!
@alectiong , here is another response from David (melbguy1): "Based on your feedback Alectiong, I think you would prefer Jorma Prime to Statement. In my system, I use a combination of Prime pc's + xlr's & Statement sc's, and I will probably l... 
Price to list ad
That's it, keep telling Audiogon what a bargain they are, watch that 2% increase. I do agree, If I need to dump gear FAST, Audiogon is the choice.Fortunately, I'm not usually that desperate.As for worldwide exposure, that may work for cables and c... 
Price to list ad
It's all a matter of perspective. I've never posted a for sale ad on Ebay, I guess because of the pricing. I post fewer here now too, because of the pricing.2% may not sound like much, but add the 3% PayPal fee, and shipping, and things start to a... 
Price to list ad
@trelja , Joe, you are moving to Vancouver?????Good luck! I hope that all is well!I also have had good success with US Audiomart. I have had some success with Audio Asylum, but very little. AA usually has to be less expensive items (<$1,000) fo... 
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera
I guess I am asking about the degree of bias in these reviews, to what extent are products reviews influenced by the manufacturers and dealers, and where is the objectivity in this domain? In a nutshell, yes, most product reviews aren't worth ... 
Price to list ad
$1,999 X 2% = $39.98, plus the $4 you paid to list the ad = $43.98.Or $50 if you paid upfront for the $1,500 - $3,499 price range.Yes, it is pretty pricey to advertise here anymore.You might look for other alternatives, I have. 
Pass Labs Xa160.5
Mark@Reno Hi-Fi has this:Pass Labs XA-160.5 pair of class-A monos, Used, very excellent condition, one owner, one year transferable factory warranty, all factory accessories, new factory double-boxing, about seven years old, Satisfa... 
Pass Labs Xa160.5
No, that is a bit pricey, should be well under $10K. 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
The only thing you have to match is the output impedence of the pre-amp with the input impedence of the power amp. Since he is matching an Ayre preamp with an Ayre amp, I don't think there should be any impedance mismatch.Another K-5xe MP pream... 
Opinions: Used BAT VK-51SE or New VK-23SE
Matt, I don't totally disagree with your findings, and thank you for better describing "dry". I do agree that the BAT's strength is power and dynamics, but I'm not sure about the " cold, uninspiring, and no beauty of tone, don’t look for musicalit... 
Loom versus mix and match
Another thought: many people consider Nordost speaker cables to be bright, but how many people have drawn this conclusion using a full Nordost loom? I have....twice. Once with Valhalla 1, once with Heimdall 2. One argument against the loom ap... 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
A used  K-5xe MP just went up for sale today: 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
Well the K-1xe was Ayre's top of the line preamp, introduced in 2002 (xe version), list at $6,750. The K-5xe was the Ayre's entry level preamp introduced in 2003 list of $2,950. At that time the K-3xe represented the middle of the Ayre preamp line... 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
So, what would be a good solid state Preamp that is similar in quality and price with k-5xe MP? What is your budget? You can wait, or there is a K-1xe for sale on Audiogon right now.