

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Cables more hype than value?
Anyone else here feel like a dog chasing his tail? LOL!! 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Yea, you can just throw a pair of Monster M1 on the bass. There's a pair for sale now, I have no relation with the seller. 
Speaker cable suggestion
Well it sounds as if the Nordost is what you are looking for then. Happy hunting!! 
Stealth Dream V10 Power Cords
LOL! Hello Howard, yes, some folks just don't know how to say goodbye. I'm old enough that I should have known better than to think I could cure this disease. I was 'on the wagon', but just like an addict, I'm back at the bar again. Now my system ... 
Cables more hype than value?
03-08-13: IrvrobinsonLet's ignore science for a moment, let's stick just to logic, something even you flat earthers can understand.That is an interesting twist you used there Irv. I've always associated the cable non-believers with the flat earth ... 
Stealth Dream V10 Power Cords
Rocc1007 and Dev, no sense starting anything here, it is ALL system dependent. I have owned both PAD and Stealth, and they are both very fine, yet very different sounding cables/cords, that can each shine with the appropriate gear. Just as ARC and... 
Can a new amplifier affect speaker placement?
Both amps are overachievers in their price category. Sturgl 03-07-13 Yes, all amps in specific, and equipment in general, are overacheivers in their price category. LOL! I'm sorry, but that just sounds like sales-speak to me. A component's perform... 
Anyone looking too sell a Sansui G9000DB
Have you tried posting a "Wanted" ad?Have you looked on Ebay? 
Found the ground loop hum source, how to fix?
As Swanny said, you can use some kind of filter, like the MIT ISO-Linq in this ad. ;) 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
@Audiolabryinth, I hope the Ayon works out for you. I have no experience with the Ayon line, but I do have experience with the 6H30 tube, with BAT and ARC gear. IMHO, the 6H30 has many fine qualities, dynamics and power come to mind.In the long ru... 
Cables more hype than value?
Waxwaves, some folks just enjoy a good argument.There are people out there who simply enjoy taking a contrary view in life. I've found folks out there like that. No matter what you say, they will take the opposite stance. This one guy I'll never f... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Well, I'm also a vinyl guy too. Black licorice and some valves make music to me. To each their own. Enjoy. 
Upgrade BAT VK-55 to VK-55SE? Worth it?
+1 to what Stereo5 says.I would think it would be less than $2000 extra to sell your VK-55 and buy a used VK-55SE, if that is the route you want to go. 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
LOL Grey9hound!! On another cable thread, Audiolabyrinth had me selling a kidney to buy some cables!! LOL!!I may envy Audiolabryinth's cables, but he can keep his Krell, I'm more of a tube guy. If I'm selling body parts, I'm gonna get me a VAC Phi... 
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3
03-07-13: TatersIt seems the dealers are the only ones telling me it would make a big difference.LOL!! What a surprise!!!