Responses from jmcgrogan2
Cables more hype than value? Anyone else here feel like a dog chasing his tail? LOL!! | |
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam , Yea, you can just throw a pair of Monster M1 on the bass. There's a pair for sale now, I have no relation with the seller. | |
Speaker cable suggestion Well it sounds as if the Nordost is what you are looking for then. Happy hunting!! | |
Stealth Dream V10 Power Cords LOL! Hello Howard, yes, some folks just don't know how to say goodbye. I'm old enough that I should have known better than to think I could cure this disease. I was 'on the wagon', but just like an addict, I'm back at the bar again. Now my system ... | |
Cables more hype than value? 03-08-13: IrvrobinsonLet's ignore science for a moment, let's stick just to logic, something even you flat earthers can understand.That is an interesting twist you used there Irv. I've always associated the cable non-believers with the flat earth ... | |
Stealth Dream V10 Power Cords Rocc1007 and Dev, no sense starting anything here, it is ALL system dependent. I have owned both PAD and Stealth, and they are both very fine, yet very different sounding cables/cords, that can each shine with the appropriate gear. Just as ARC and... | |
Can a new amplifier affect speaker placement? Both amps are overachievers in their price category. Sturgl 03-07-13 Yes, all amps in specific, and equipment in general, are overacheivers in their price category. LOL! I'm sorry, but that just sounds like sales-speak to me. A component's perform... | |
Anyone looking too sell a Sansui G9000DB Have you tried posting a "Wanted" ad?Have you looked on Ebay? | |
Found the ground loop hum source, how to fix? As Swanny said, you can use some kind of filter, like the MIT ISO-Linq in this ad. ;) | |
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam , @Audiolabryinth, I hope the Ayon works out for you. I have no experience with the Ayon line, but I do have experience with the 6H30 tube, with BAT and ARC gear. IMHO, the 6H30 has many fine qualities, dynamics and power come to mind.In the long ru... | |
Cables more hype than value? Waxwaves, some folks just enjoy a good argument.There are people out there who simply enjoy taking a contrary view in life. I've found folks out there like that. No matter what you say, they will take the opposite stance. This one guy I'll never f... | |
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam , Well, I'm also a vinyl guy too. Black licorice and some valves make music to me. To each their own. Enjoy. | |
Upgrade BAT VK-55 to VK-55SE? Worth it? +1 to what Stereo5 says.I would think it would be less than $2000 extra to sell your VK-55 and buy a used VK-55SE, if that is the route you want to go. | |
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam , LOL Grey9hound!! On another cable thread, Audiolabyrinth had me selling a kidney to buy some cables!! LOL!!I may envy Audiolabryinth's cables, but he can keep his Krell, I'm more of a tube guy. If I'm selling body parts, I'm gonna get me a VAC Phi... | |
Original VPI Aries vs VPI classic 3 03-07-13: TatersIt seems the dealers are the only ones telling me it would make a big difference.LOL!! What a surprise!!! |