
Responses from jjrenman

Denon AVR 3802 Find
If you can lower the volume but not turn it back up then you probably have a bad volume control. If you can turn it up or down below a set level than try resetting the processor. The manual describes how. 
Need advice: Turntable Output Voltage
"I dont understand what you mean by pumping up your phono input by 6db?"Many of the newer AVR's have an input trim so that one can eliminate large differences in volumes when switching between inputs. 
Need advice: Turntable Output Voltage
TT don't have output unless they have a built in phono pre. Since your Yamaha has a built in phono than you will turn off the phono pre in the TT as you can use only one phono pre at a time. I suspect that you have already done that as you are not... 
Ortofon Salsa LOMC resistive loading?
I suggest you let the cartridge break in rest of the way. As you do so you will get yourself more dialed into its sonic traits. Then retry the different loadings with albums that you know well.Enjoy 
Sota Sapphire
Belt might need replacing. I always give the platter on my SOTA a nudge to get it up to speed quickly and to help spare the belt and motor extra strain. 
intermitant phono tube cut out?
I suggest that you swap your preferred tube to the other channel just to confirm that issue follows that specific tube.Could be a heat related issue. If your top cover gets very warm, as an experiment, you could try playing unit without it to see ... 
Accustic Arts Power 1 - operates in Class A?
IIUC, by definition all class A/B amplifiers are class A at very low wattage. Some makers will bias their amp so that it is in class A even at moderately loud volume levels. In that way the amp is only operating A/B at very high volumes. 
How to connect video input from projector
You can go through the receiver if it has a video in along with a monitor out. If not than take the video directly to the projector from the DVD. If you have component video (red,gree,blue)on both the projector and the DVD that would be preferable... 
Ortofon Salsa LOMC resistive loading?
Need more info. Whats your table, phono preamp? Do you have other sources that don't have the thin bass issue? 
Wet speaker cables
If water has seeped into them they will corrode which will effect their performance. Especially if the ends got wet. You should be able to see the corrosion setting in at the bare ends. In the mean time you can use them as the very high resistance... 
Ortofon Salsa LOMC resistive loading?
I don't have a specific suggestion but when you say "a good balance of acceptable bass" are you saying that you go from an either to much bass or to much highs? Or do you mean that you are unable to get the bass up enough to match the "very detail... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
JJ offered a clever theory, but looking at the description and photos of the Comet at the AQ site I don't see anything suggesting that the gauge of the treble wiring is extremely thin, Don't know how clever it was but after 454 posts from lots of ... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Which AQ speaker cables are you using? IIUC, they would have to be a thinner gauge for the treble than they have for the bass before a miss wire would mess up the bass.If the treble wire was thin enough it would conceivably get worse as the cable ... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
I apologize if this has been asked already but how loud do you listen? Some speakers Qts (how tight or loose the bass is) can change when the voice coils get hot from playing loud, especially with music that has a lot of deep bass. 
Center Channel Speaker Question
IME, runing two speakers in series will not help give you clarity. The problem is that the crossover in the first speaker interacts with the crossover in the secound. Phase is negtatively effected. A parallel hook up does not have the phase issue ...