
Responses from jimmymac

Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Thanks, I might give that a try. I have an IEC adaptor coming my way from fellow Audiogoner Jab. I'll have sometime this coming week. I can try my DCCA power cord with it. 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Hifigeek, thanks for the response. It sounds pretyy darn good with the regular power cord so I don't think it's worth the money to ship it back and forth to SoCal. I'll continue to look for local options. My bigger problem is that it doesn't reach... 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
I'm in San Francisco. 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Conrad Johnson tells me they can't install an IEC because they don't have the "metal working equipment" to do it. 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Yeah, I was surprised it didn't have an IEC. I have a nice DCCA cord that I would like to use. I'm going to try an an IEC adaptor and go from there. If I determine there is a noticeable improvement then I'll go ahead and have a permanent IEC insta... 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Shum3s, did you find much sonic improvement with the after market cords? 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Any idea on how much it would cost to install an IEC? I called one tech shop and they wouldn't give me an estimate without looking at the amp. I'm looking for a ballpark figure. 
Power cord for CJ MF2500A
Thanks for the responses. I'm leaning towards having a good 15 amp IEC installed. I could then use my DCCA power cord. 
Pass Labs x150.5 question
I already own the McIntosh C220 preamp and I like it. I'm losing a McIntosh amp I have been borrowing from a friend. Have you heard the C220 preamp or are you saying you aren't crazy about paired with the X150.5? 
CJ pre-amp with McIntosh amp?
Thanks. I just bought one without realizing it had a captive power cord. Doh! I need it to be a little over 7ft. or else I'm going to have to connect it to a power strip. 
CJ pre-amp with McIntosh amp?
I have read that the CJ 2500A has a captive power cord. Does anyone know how long it is? 
Integrated McIntosh vs. separates
I've looked at the 252 but my budget is $2000 tops. I can't find any of the newer McIntosh amps for under $2500-3000. My main question is will using a completely separate amp yield much better results as opposed to using the amp section of the McI... 
Fritz Carbon 7's vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE
Well, I've been borrowing the 25's from a friend of mine for the past year or so. He now needs them. I used to own the 1.3SE's. I'm afraid I might be spoiled by the 25's. 
Fritz Carbon 7's vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE
JDoris, thanks for the response. I had the C1's for a few months. A great speaker but my room was too small and I just couldn't give them the room they needed away from the back wall. That's an impressive comparison for the Carbons. 
Fritz Carbon 7's vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE
I would be using a McIntosh MC162, 100w @8ohms.