
Responses from jimf421

Ripping CD's to hard drive
I would recommend ripping only to FLAC, hard drive space is pretty cheap today.... Exact Audio Copy is good, but I found it a bit clunky to use. I have had very good results with Fairstars CD Ripper too. Fairstars is very good at tagging except fo... 
What are your top 3 favorite female singers?
joan baez loreena mckennit emmylou harris  
Ultrasonic record cleaners
I just bought a LP length ultrasonic cleaner and bought a rotator assembly which fits on the side and suspends the LP above the label. It works great. I use a little dawn dish soap and 'photoflo" surface tension reducer so that the water flows off... 
Thoughts about the "Cheapaudioman" on YouTube
I like his reviews...like others, my equipment is not in his review price range, but he provides useful device, particuarly for secondary systems...just not my main system.    
To ROON or not to ROON ?
I have had Roon for about a year and a half...I resisted due to not wanting another subscription...but it is by far the best system I have tried. I dont care about extra services, I just use it for my own (10,000 track) library. It really makes it... 
Magnepan .7 Alternatives
Before you ditch the Maggies...please check on placement.  I would say at least 2 feet from the back wall and use a measuing tape to get the distance of each exact. I have had MGIIs and currently MGIIIa models...setup is critical. I biamp mine wit... 
Using Adcom GFA-555s as monoblocks to power magnepan 3.3s in active biamp
I am using two Bryston 3B amps to biamp similar to as you propose but horizontal biamp. I use a Bryston 10B crossover. Per the directions in the Magnepan manual (I have IIIa Maggies), i do not use the crossover boxes and changed the jumpers on the... 
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?
I also agree with Herman's commments...moving your speakers even a few inches makes much more difference than cables.  
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?
I have used Blue Jeans Cables several times.  They are very well made and nicely terminated to your specs.  Also reasonably priced.  
Looking for “just good enuf” for garage man cave
Check out cheapaudioman on youtube...he covered this topic within the last week.  
For the anal retentive audiophile...a mains frequency tester
Your last sentence applies to many audiophile accessories.  
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
That is very unusual for Magnepans...usually the opposite...speaker placement is very important with Maggies. I would try different positions and angles and make sure they are a couple of feet off the wall. 
Magnepan, Best midrange?
I have had a couple of different Maggies over the years...I really like them.  I currently biamp them with two Bryston 3Bs...best midrange and high end anywhere near their price point.  I dont care much about strong bass; I have the home theater s... 
Great Recordings, Sonically Speaking - and Why.
I have found this page very useful...  https://audiophilestyle.com/ca/the-best-version-of/They analyze most (all) versions of recordings to determine which sounds best. I have bought several and have not been disappointed. 
~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought
Martin Logan ESL11 ...right at 10K