
Responses from jfz

The"new" look Capitole
Sattothestars: Given that the Prestige will be "every bit as good on Redbook" as the new Capitole, can you tell me roughly how much the price of the Prestige is going to be? I'm also quite curious how you know that the Prestige Redbook will be as ... 
Jena cables
Tekunda - I didn't mean to say you had owned the Jena Labs cables (and, actually, I didn't think I had). I was just responding to your statement that "in my opinion, the Jena Symphony wire doesn't hold a candle to the Valhalla". Again, I don't mea... 
Jena cables
Tekunda - I'm curious as to whether you have compared the Jena Symphony interconnects directly to the Valhalla ICs, meaning in the same system, under the same conditions, etc. I mean no offense at all. It's just that the last I knew you had not he... 
Jena cables
Gladstone - I'm not sure what you mean: "what are the Silversmith cables?" They are speaker cables from Silversmith Audio. I preferred these to the Jena Labs Valkrye speaker cables, but preferred the Jena Symphony interconnects to the Silversmith ... 
Jena cables
I did a direct and extensive comparison of the Valhalla and the Jena Labs Symphony interconnects a few months ago. I found the Symphony to be the equal of the Valhalla in every way; and better in a few ways, e.g. more natural body on acoustic inst... 
The"new" look Capitole
Sattothestars: why two new players? Will the redbook on the Prestige not be as good? If it's as good, I would assume the Prestige will be considerably more money. Yes? Thanks. 
tough sounds to reproduce ???
I agree with cymbals and piano. A well-recorded stand-up bass is not easy to reproduce either, especially given the issue of standing waves. 
Any cheap silver cables for Talon Khorus?
Try TG Audio. I too don't know what your definition of cheap is. I'm curious, though, about why you want to go cheap with Khoruses. And also why the cables have to be silver. No need to answer these questions. I just think there are more important... 
Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning
Tekunda - Have you directly compared the Stealth and Sound Applications under controlled conditions? If not, why do you make unconditional statements such as "ruling king" and "all you need". If you do have direct experience, would you please shar... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Rockport Antares. 
Have you heard Rockport speakers?
Bill - I own the Rockport Antares and concur with the comments by "Mes". For me, this was a last purchase. I think you will enjoy your time with Andy, regardless of what you think of the speakers. The Hyperions will be at CES this year. They were ... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Saint-Saens & Springsteen. The Swan and the version of The River from the Live in NYC CD/DVD. 
good silver IC's to audition?
I'd add Silversmith to the list. 
Cable shoot-out: Part IV
Herman - While I think your reasoning regarding Tekunda's room makes sense, it can also be said that having better cables results in making any other changes (i.e. room treatment) more reliable. Better room = easier to make determinations about ca... 
Good powercord for transports
Imported by Fanfare International. I've bought (and use) several of them.