Responses from jfrmusic
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @cycles2 If you like my reviews I just posted a review of Stack Audio products. | |
Power Amplifier - Maximum Resolution & Detail! I was also a Benchmark AHB 2 owner for 3 years. Excellent amp for the price but I too found a slight hardness in the lower treble around 2k-3k Hz. Also the overall sound was not as relaxed and laid back as I liked. My goal in replacing it was for ... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @cycles2 That’s my plan. I need to replace my Coax/ BNC clock cable to DH Labs. Currently it’s Blue Jeans. Then all my interconnects and speaker cables will be DHLabs. Then I plan to audition their power cables.Also I’ll be surprised if I can fi... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @gbmcleod The Shunyata cables I borrowed from The Cable Company library were burned in. They were not new. Same for the DH Labs. If you need 300+ hours to burn them in then you will have them beyond any trial period. Also Shunyata claims that... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @hickamore Well I bought the speakers first. Then when it was time to get a streamer after listening I just couldn’t unhear the N20. Unfortunately when I demoed the N20 at the store it was also connected to the MSB.. What a combo. So I just deci... | |
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound? @v-fi In a way I’m not looking forward to evaluating power conditioners. After trying the PS Audio regenerator and AudioQuest 707 I know it takes time to try out the units and may depend on the quality of your power at the time of the test. I ju... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @lalitk Thanks Yes DH Labs still sell bulk cable. I plan to try their top line Corona Power cable for my Amp and their Power Plus Cryo Power Cable for my DAC analog power supply. | |
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound? @lalitk Since the weather is no longer stuck in the 90s my system has sound wonderful. Plus I believe all my new components are now settling in. So I decided to turn my focus to upgrading my XLR Interconnects and Speaker cables. Check my thread ... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @hickamore I didn’t say it was a background system. I said as background I am specifying the system. The Harbeths are certainly not overmatched. It is recommended that you give them as much power as possible. They are neutral, very smooth... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @secretguy As the OP I must say you have a very distorted reading of my post. To come to the conclusion you stated is hilarious. You just twisted my experience to fit your own position. BTW albums are well recorded because studios and recording ... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @mclinnguy My thoughts are similar to yours. I was hesitant to start a controversy but it does seem every time there is a discussion about cables among those of us who understand their impact on sound someone is compelled to tell us we’re delusi... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @audphile1 I think he was addressing the sound in my system and felt that I would perceive them as warm. He wasn't addressing resolution which possibly could be masked if the overall sound is too warm. I understand this as I've experienced ca... | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @devinplombier I was not being condescending. Honestly I am sorry that some cannot hear the obvious differences between cables. I feel that they are missing out on substantial improvements to their system. | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @roadcykler Sorry you're not able to hear differences in cables. In some odd way it's a blessing for you. For those of us who can we get closer to the real musical event in our systems with every upgrade. | |
DH Labs - Shunyata Cable Comparison @audphile1 I asked my contact at The Cable Company about the Front Row cables and he said based upon my taste and system I would find them too warm. He said the AU24 SX would be a better match. So I’ll keep that in mind for a future upgrade. ... |