Responses from jfd11
Does a particular musician’s songwriting and artistry speak to you above all others? Emmylou Harris Steve Earle | |
What’s the most underrated used Audio Research gear? +1 ozzy62 SP6 was my long time favorite. | |
What was your first record? First I ever bought with my own money was the 45 Monster Mash by Bobby "Boris" Pickett. Walked to the record store on a Saturday morning and laid down the $1.00 profit from my paper route. Man I loved that song. | |
Audiogon, meet Buddy Miller. Attended an Emmylou concert some years ago where she and Buddy were the only performers. They went through so many of Emmylou's classics. An amazing show. Great venue with excellent acoustics. I am a big Emmylou fan and her work with Buddy opened ... | |
Have There Ever Been Fake Koetsu? The reply from mulveling is why I stay around this forum. Thank you for your time and effort to make all of us a little, or in my case here, a lot, wiser on this subject. | |
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This? Very early 60's I had a Sony R to R. I taped the mic to my Sony FM radio and recorded as much music as I could. The start of it all.. | |
Am I broken? Am I stuck? Do I have to return my audiophile card now? You are screwed. If you make the trade you will always wonder if your old speakers sounded "better". if you don't make the trade you will always wonder if that was a mistake. I speak from years of experience. I would do it just to scratch the itch. | |
Is simpler better? ++cd318 I am down to a streamer (not an expensive one) my 8 year old integrated Hegel unit and a Cambridge CD player that is seldom used. I rely on Qobuz and a pretty extensive collection of digital FLAC files. When I hit retirement age and bu... | |
What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs? A while ago I worked on my Music Collector software and cataloged my vinyl collection according to genre. I have been keeping track of my records on this software for quite a long time but I decided that the time had come to add ratings and subjec... | |
Did the Old Receivers Sound Good? Worked in a couple of stores in the 70's that sold a wide selection of receivers from most of the "hot" electronics companies of the day. There were definite levels of quality in build and also in sound between brands. It wasn't all that difficult... | |
Anyone else have issues with Tidal? I made the move because at the time I felt Qobuz had more titles that interested me. Haven't looked back. I see no reason to either from all of the comparisons I have read over time on these forums. | |
Wilson to Tekton to ???? I bit of a different road for me. In the 70's I sold a bunch of Yamaha for a high end store. Always loved the receivers but never brought one home. Couldn't stand it recently when I say a mint unit on Reverb for a great price. Snapped that bad boy... | |
Snowballs hilde45 +1 | |
Only two tracks to test your system, forever! Thanks to all. Found a couple of new adds for my playlist. Great new (for me) stuff to enjoy. | |
Where did you buy your first audio gear? Lafayette audio receiver and speakers came first @1974. My journey into the high end followed shortly thereafter when I purchased an SAE 5000 Noise Reduction Unit "click and pop" eliminator from Transcendental Audio in Jamestown NY. |