

Responses from jerryg123

The revolution has begun!
@anzaanimalclinic Do not worry they are a long way from taking class A.  
Streamer-DAC vs Seperates
Buy a quality DAC and quit throwing good money away. You have a great streamer/server in the Zenith.   
Streamer-DAC vs Seperates
Separates period.   
@charles1dad You are exactly right, that is what I was implying.     
@nyev Statement is on another system. So, I bought the Phoenix Recklocker and put it on my Zenith with the LessLoss Echo's End, guess I will be selling the Phoenix Recklocker. Did absolutely nothing in the chain with the LessLoss Echo's end. Sure,... 
Dino Danelli
Have to listen to the Rascals tonight.   
Nagaoka MP 300 Cartridge
The MP you can replace the stylus.   
Streamer upgrade? follow up.
@bikeboy52 Nice! enjoy the newfound sound in your digital front end. Thank you for sharing.   
The revolution has begun!
@clearthinker not going anywhere, just the likes of you would not be tolerated. So long Bubba.   
USB yet again
@sns I agree and once one has synergy in their digital front end the worlds of music unfolds.   
The revolution has begun!
@arafiq you are right. Funny is none of this crap happens at WBF.   
The revolution has begun!
Snif. @kuribo So no blind tests? Your logic is flawed because they are not published here? Only time you chirp in @kuribo is when there is a thread by @...  
The revolution has begun!
To funny the illogical claims. On this day in 1903 two brothers were told it was illogical for a man to fly.  @kuribo said. @clearthinker  Google is your friend. Let people believe what they believe.   kuribo 458 posts 12-17-2022 at 12:01pm ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Pokémon is indeed very sad and lonely. Angry little creature. Has a crush on this Bruno guy.  
The revolution has begun!
Again @clearthinker have you auditioned any of these devices in your system?