

Responses from jerryg123

New DAC or New Streamer?
@nyev Isolation is key. I have damping weights on all of my equipment.   
New DAC or New Streamer?
@lalitk I am wondering what filtering devices you recommend.    I would love to hear your thoughts also @sns ​​​​​@charles1dad . Well said! I will go one step further…without network optimization, you’re not hearing full potential of your strea... 
New DAC or New Streamer?
If you are using an Innuos streamer or server using the Sense app is superior to Roon software. They also are very consistent with upgrades. This is my opinion and many here are of the same opinion.  I was an early adapter of the Roon Ecosystem ... 
Music Servers/External Drives
I back up everything to an external SSD Drive. Very simple using the Innuos Sense app. Not that this stuff is hard.   
Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?
So sorry, you are right. 😥 WBF might be the place to try.       
Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?
Sorry @fredrik222 but I do not think so?? Nice kit.  No wireless here but I have Innuos Statement and LessLoss DAC.  So, you do not think Ozzy could be hearing a change from these gizmos with his kit?  He has some top shelf gear and a very cool... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
I really want to hear them in person.   
Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?
@fredrik222 Would love to hear what you are using for Ethernet switch, cable, DAC and digital front end. Please share with us what a person of superior digital knowledge uses.   
Has anyone tried the new Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - Ethernet Filter?
I am using 10Gtek Media Converter that has been recommended in another thread. Perception is that we are enjoying a cleaner, lower noise floor signal/data, to our sever/streamer and DAC.  No measurements to support this though many on this forum ... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Hope they live up to the hype. Otherwise, they will be in the clearance bin at Musci Direct....  The video is nasty.   
What is the most important cable in your system
@audphile1 You nailed it.  But then there’s a beotch called synergy. So best is to try and determine by ear.   
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Pokémon is a miserable little troll.   
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
@jea48 Whatever so I will try one and we will see.  She will be here for Christmas and we will take measurements and do blind tests.  Have a good day.  Doubtful in Texas.   
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
@secretguy I will and it’s none of your business. Nor is it your business to disparage others for their willingness to at least try these tweaks. If Igor Sikorsky or the Wright Brothers listened to people like you….  
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
Funny how a few tweak atheists ruin it for everyone. They are the minority and the most annoying.