
Responses from jerrybj

New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
GlupsonMost of the time music is from SONY Walkman via earphones.I believed a number of years ago I would never be able to buy the system I wanted, so went portable.RWA iMod iPod, into Mini 3 portable amp and Sennheiser HD25, or Grado RS1.Have sin... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
I have a few Schumann Resonators.When first used one last year:"I swear I hear a difference. A little more depth?Tried on a bunch of different music.Hard to pinpoint what the difference is."A month later"More authority to the music; a tighter grip... 
Perfect Path Technologies confusion
I can currently view Nirvana.May not be attainable, but I know it's there...Macbook Pro flicking through random tracks on the drive through Audirvana.USB adaptor throwing NBA on the tv screen (my other addiction).Really enjoying the Omega+ Emat. M... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
Civility is a wondrous thing... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
thecarpathianjerryb, your wife has an excellent way of getting her point across...!Indeed she has. My stuff can't be ugly. And she doesn't like cables.I tried to get one of my Schumann Resonators on the wall today.Not a hope in hell.So one is behi... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
FleschlerA tweak which I rely on ... are Shakti Hallographs which aid my speakers dispersion characteristics. I just showed the Shakti Hallographs to my wife. She said "I think that's what single people get."No comment on you at all. I'm solely lo... 
Perfect Path Technologies confusion
lwinWhat I find disconcerting are the individuals who have never tried a product denigrating said product, the companies who make it and those who try it. Which is my point exactly Iwin. Some of the replies to my posts as you've mentioned above al... 
OMG - I am just investigating ‘tweaks’ to improve my audio system.
Some comments to George and his ’less than reasonable’ posts. I see grammar is not one of his strengths.Also, a thesaurus may help...Love listening to others that have something "sound" to say.Then stop listening to those who don’t agree with you.... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
Gorgehifi"Just don’t get off on voodooist and snake oilers telling others to do what they do, that’s all, and I consider what I do against it to be a balanced counter measure to the BS"I’m not telling anyone what to do. I think you are delusional ... 
OMG - I am just investigating ‘tweaks’ to improve my audio system.
Georgehifi"Giving you a play pen buddy GKOh BTW Jerry, this is Geoff’s site, you should find some you don’t have, maybe, you two should get on like a house on fire.George, your wisdom is intimidating, as is your quick wit.I love your ability to li... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
First real listenThose Omega+ E Mats are good! 
Upgrade DAC for an Oppo BDP103
Beresford Dacs are reasonably priced, with reasonable sound... 
Need advice
Used does have benefits.Quality/price being the biggest plus... 
Affordable cables
emtreyWhen I started , I was very cynical of costly speaker cables. Then I heard the difference they made in a system.  I started with Dick Smith's finest speaker cable, around $4.50/m (similar to Radio Shack?)The difference was significant. And ... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
And until this, never considered the digital conversion at the end of the audio chain.