
Responses from jerrybj

Shoutout: Add Powr Symphony Plus+PSU, Eau2 package currently on sale
@bemused  I am looking forward to it. The Symphony Pro will be on the same line as my modded network switch, streamer, USB/SPIDF converter, external clock, Dac and amp. The Eau2 will be paired with my modem, wireless router, another modded netw... 
Anyone using a LAN isolator?
@antigrunge2  I'm still interested in your Meicord Opal 😀  
Anyone using a LAN isolator?
Have bought a second LAN Isolator from Pink Faun.  
Are Black Ravioli products sold in the US?
I visited my cousin in another city September last year. He had just bought a new Accuphase CD player, and McIntosh amp, and been recommended a set of isolation footers by his dealer, at approx US$450 each. To me, that’s a serious amount. I lent... 
Mad Scientists Audio Nano Tweaks
@antigrunge2 I haven’t applied the graphene Bob sent me. Will get to that. Easy enough to use?  
Are Black Ravioli products sold in the US?
I totally recommend the Black Ravioli Big Pads, and their smaller pads.  I was put on to them by some UK forum members in 2018. Have a combination of Big Pads and Pads.   Had been sceptical, although had played around with vibrapods, and sorbo... 
Are Black Ravioli products sold in the US?
@curiousjim  I'm curious how you got on with Black Ravioli.  
To Roon or not to Roon?
taken a step towards using Roon. I've bought an old Intel Nuc with 8Gb Ram and a 128Gb SSD drive.   
ATC SCM 50A active towers review
Good to hear others enjoying ATC. I have the ATC SCM19v2. Well worth the price. End game speakers for me.    
Shoutout: Add Powr Symphony Plus+PSU, Eau2 package currently on sale
I have received but not installed an Add Powr Symphony Pro, Eau2, with an Akiko Audio Fuse Box Pro on the way.   Wasn't sure where to place the Eau2. With the modem is quite a good idea.  
To Roon or not to Roon?
I'm considering using Roon for my music, and possibly Qobuz. Are there any advantages to having an Intel Nuc as the core vs a MacBook Pro?  
How important is spending time with your gear?
I have my gear in a cupboard, with speaker cable through the wall. It does make for a very clean look, and my wife is happier. She doesn't like cables, or ugly. But it limits what I am able to have.   
Is there a DAC ranking list?
John Darko used to have a 'Dac-Ranking' list. I think it's now password protected, but may still be worth investigating.  
It's accessible from New Zealand  
Whats playing on your system today?
@jafant  Which Who album?