
Responses from jerrybj

Experience buying from Europe?
I buy from England, Scotland and the Netherlands often. Have also bought from Poland, Norway, Ukraine, Romania with no problems.  
Help optimizing my streaming setup
My modem is 15m from my system. I found a network switch made a difference. Bought a Cisco 8 ports unmanaged switch and had Fidelity Audio (UK) install one of their clocks. Put my modem and switch on a linear power supply. And bought reasonable... 
Power cords: Anticable vs Mad Scientist
I have Mad Scientist power cables. 2 x Nitro, 2 x Nitro Nano, as well as a First+ and a Basic. 2 more Nitro Nanos to be bought next year. Also have his Black Magic Ultra USB cable. All recommended.  
Ethernet cable recommendations
Ended up buying two Lan isolators. Acoustic Revive LAN RLI-1GB-TRIPLE-C and Pink Faun.  
Ethernet cable recommendations
I ended up buying Triode Wire Labs Freedom ethernet cables. From wall to switch, and then another from switch to streamer.  
Ethernet cable recommendations
@acdvd  Did you ever make a decision on ethernet cables?  
Do I really need an " Audio Grade Network Switch "?
Yes, certainly cheaper. But in my experience, the network switch I have was markedly better than without.  
What can I do between the wall and my streamer/DAC?
Another option is putting a network switch after the 45' run of ethernet cable, run by a linear power supply. Some form of LAN Isolator to the Lumin with a good ethernet cable from the switch. An Eno would suit, or the likes of a Pink Faun.  
AES/EBU vs XLR cables for digital connection
I've chosen AES/EBU to go from DDC to Dac, as a preference over I2S. Have ordered an Audience AU24Sx cable.  
What is Your End Game System?
@macdude  The same for the Cisco SG110D, with Fidelity Audio clock. Small footprint, and run by a 12v lps. And has certainly improved the sound of my streaming.    
Advice for RCA Interconnect Upgrade?
I haven't got the TWL RCAs, but really like his Freedom ethernet cables. The RCAs being copper, and said to have a 'natural' sound is promising for you.  
@baylinor  +219   (= the total inane comments of his so far this month)  
Where to put your best power cable?
I use my best power cable on my amp, plugged into the wall.  
Where to place your best switch?
Option #2 is what I'm going to try. The lesser of my two audio switches at the end modem/router. Run by a cheapish Aliexpress linear power supply. 15m run of Cat 5 cable to my system.  Then Triode Wire Labs Freedom ethernet cable to Acoustic Re... 
Qobuz or Tidal?
Was using Tidal for a couple of years. Have since switched to Qobuz. It's noticeably better. Not a great fan of MQA. Like the increasing Hi Res titles as well.