
Responses from jeremy72

Turntable advice-thorens questions
Best vintage thorens belt drive is the TD125 and for idler td124. Make sure the plinth is high quality, not just one of those silly re-painted stock particle board ones you see here all the time like in those cheapo "bold restoration" thorens ads.... 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
Another thing, I have often wondered about is - does it really matter if you use washers under the cartridge screws? I know it adds a little weight but is it a bad idea from a sonic perspective? Thoughts anyone?? 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
This comment really makes me think, as I had no idea."Increasing the counterweight mass and then moving it closer to the pivot in order to maintain the same VTF will reduce the eff mass."This could really help someone I think, in some cases at lea... 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
I wonder would using lighter cartridge screws help if your arm were a little heavy and cart a little light compliance wise? Or would that make things even worse or with cart screws does it even matter really? I have seen these really light aluminu... 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
So many times have I read about the 8-12Hz cart/arm res freq guideline its just like it seems to be a law to me because these numbers are the ones always brought up. Now people some times claim 9 or 10 is soem magic number even. I am no analog wiz... 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
So from what you guys are saying if an arm had an eff. mass of say 14g then if you somehow made the counterweight heavier then you would automatically be reducing that number? Not sure I understand... if you have an arm that is 14g eff. mass, then... 
Cartridge Loading and Compliance Laws
So then in your case, you were able to fix things with a low compliance cart and lightish med mass arm by adding mass to the arm...hmmmm good thinking!But how about this - what if the tables were turned and someone was dealing with a highish compl...