

Responses from jeffseight

Gustard R26 on sale
They are defective.Avoid.  
Tannoy arden legacy
Tube is best. Line Magnetic 805ia Class A Pass Labs 25INT      
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?
I don't listen loud or do rock anymore but I do know what to look at for $30k. Borresen Stenheim Vimberg Joseph In order  
Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?
Sometimes people who put up the largest walls only do so because they know they will fold like a cheap suit if anyone pushes.  
Pass labs upgrade path
I am too ignorant to know what PNB KAS Speakers are?    
Capital AudioFest 2022?
Saw it at PNW Fest. Very cool!    
Time-Phase-Alignment- Point Source-Classical Musicians
Roy, The $6k Pearls attracted my attention as well. I am anxious to  listen to a full range driver speaker. Nice work!  
Who has heard and can comment on any of these brands??
oreo, I have heard the $30k model and it seemed the best box speaker I can recall hearing.  
Who has heard and can comment on any of these brands??
henry, Great story! Tells it all! Thanks!  
Who has heard and can comment on any of these brands??
Whoopy, I like your components. I listened to the Classic 10. Your model looks like an upgrade to those. To hear someone say they are "Not Looking to make changes" is pretty rare. Thanks!  
Software for Room Correction?
I use an Innuos Zen 3 Streamer Uptone Audio Etherregen An ANK 4.1x DAC Pass Labs INT25 Fritz Carerra 7BE Speakers REL T5X Sub Balanced Power Transformer  
Experienced only: What have you done with room correction?
burtle,   Please tell me which advice/direction/system from the above you plan to employ???   Also, will room correction removed unwanted distorted viewpoints?  
Persona 3f question
Danaroo, That is rather personna question but I will share with you some solutions just the same.       Step A: Start by prying off the ring around the driver. Any old oversized screwdriver will do. If a large prying tool is not available... 
Speaker upgrade
Where are you located? I am always amazed that people seeking help do not think to mention where they live. Someone on this forum could be next door to you and own the exact speaker you want to hear.  My Takes- Budget $3-4k Age 28 Marital St... 
shttr, The deal of a lifetime only comes along once a week. The Holo May DAC is cheaper and considered better. The DAC is what makes the streamer sound good.