

Responses from jeffseight

Where to buy Rega amp
Dedicated Audio People are great.   
Dedicated Electrical
Same box is fine. Question is which bar. There are two to chose from. Use the one with the least major appliances-a/c, etc. Then look at the ground and try to improve it.  Buy some Furatech, Pangea or better receptacles. I ran two 20 amp dedi... 
What should be mandatory in every professional published review-
If you have never visited Fredrik Lejonklou's website it is a lesson in how to present a products evolution. I wish all makers would follow suit.      
Orchard Audio - GaN Stereo Ultra Amp Tour and Reviews
We have it coming in January!! Arizona    
Packing & Shipping Large/Heavy Speakers
You will not likely sell them to anyone outside the US. Get a quote from ABF of cost from LA to NY. That can be your baseline figure.   Never use PSPS or UPS. They roll boxes. Fed Ex ground has been good for me for under 100 lbs.    
Streamer Recommendation.
Innuos Zen 3. One box. Two eliminated. Rips and Stores. Under $3k. Spend your other $4k on an electrician running  a hard wire. Anything left after that. Upgrade the DAC.  
Has anyone compared the Dinafrips Terminator II to the Terminator +?
Sounds like there will be a Terminator in your future. What do you have now?    
Considering Nagra Tube Dac with Power Supply or MSB Reference ?
He will be advised about the 20 other brands that are "better" per people who own them. Get them both in your house with your system and then decide.  
SabrinaX vs JA Perspective2 Graphene
I can say I find even the lowly Pulsar a far more enjoyable sound than any Wilson.   
The goal of audio reproduction
Jak, Are you moving to the NW? Rumors flying.  
Magnepan LRS in the house!
Your F5 is 25 wpc into 8 ohms. How does it work on the LRS's? Enough power? I have a PL 25INT and thought it would be too low in WPC. Did the people at Magnepan tell you the F5 is powerful enough?   Thanks!  
Innuos PULSE Mini?
I have a Zen 3 mk2. $2,200 new. Streams, rips, stores. How much are the new models?  
Innuos PULSE Mini?
I have a Zen 3 mk2. $2,200 new. Streams, rips, stores. How much are the new models?  
Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?
My wife has a list with current values. She will likely give it all to relatives when I depart. Why did I bother to put values on it?   I always made a habit of selling anything no longer in use. People ask "How loud will it play"? They are li... 
Am I Getting Soft Here?
It is what you think about your sound that matters. Nobody else. I was told by one visitor earlier this year that my new speakers were nothing compared to my old ones. Stupidly I returned the trial speakers. Long story short. After 9 months of...