

Responses from jeffreybehr

Details for bi-amping
Wow, what a bunch of nonreading and confused writing.The OP first writes that he wants to use tubed amps on the top and SS amps on the bottom; later he writes that he wants to use indentical amps. Which is it? Tubed and SS or 4 identical amps? I s... 
Why 24/7 warm-up period on amps?
Wow. I've never before read anyone claim that double or half VOLTAGE = a change of 3dB. Of course, double or half POWER equals a change of 3dB, and double or half Voltage equals a change of 6dB.. 
Oppo 83se vs Oppo 8e se nuforce
"Review in this issue of Absolute Sound"...and 'Stereophile' has placed the '95 in Class A+ (the highest) in the Oct. '11 issue, p.81, of Recommended Components.I've not heard a '95, but my '83SE sure sounds good.. 
Let's ID Speakers with 1st order Crossover design.
.All Vandersteens.. 
Modern Linestages
Thorman: "The Manufacturers operate at a Mark up of 500%...Thats the reality of it....."I suppose that's true from one perspective, and I've heard that parts cost typically is only about one-SEVENTH of the RR$.But do understand, first, that the ma... 
Attention Vandersteen 5A owners/ amp matches
Madfloyd: "They sound incredible with Atma-Sphere amps."I'll second that. I'm using M-60 3.1s. 
Need advice on CJ preamps
Dopogue, probably you're right about the inherent quality of the 6GK5; c-j switched to the M8080/6C4 in several preamps several years ago. As it too is a 7-pin single triode with 6V. heater, I wonder if it's a drop-in replacement or perhaps doable... 
Need advice on CJ preamps
Pops, you may already know this, but the Premier 14 uses a cathode-follower output, so its output impedance is 'low'.1. When one can buy NOS Mullard 6GK5s for $15 per 5...http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-Tubes-6GK5-MULLARD-UK-5-NOS-NIB-/330602242584... 
Vandersteen Quatro Crossovers
A couple points. First, the Quatro does indeed have a crossover network; it's inside the speaker. It is not battery biased. Here's a pic.http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k220/jeffreybehr/0%20Vandersteen%20other/Crossovertermsbtm_1280h.jpgSecondly... 
Speaker help - short list needed
Chad329, I heartily agree that Vandersteen speakers will NOT sound harsh or bright. Altho they're pushing your budget a little, I think you should look for a pair of 3As. There are always pairs for sale here.. 
What is Warmth?
Wow--zero for 3!'Warmth' is a tonal characterstic wherein the lower-MR--say below 500 Hz--and upperbass frequencies are slightly elevated. One could call it a rich bloom. It is not a description of hi-frequency levels. A friend has called it a sli... 
? about oppo
I think Bobrock has been hiding under one for several years. Oppo's Blu/SACD/DVD/CD players, starting with the '83, are probably the best-looking and -sounding multidisc players out there, and besides that, they're inexpensive. I sure love my '83S... 
Which speakers... B&W 802D or Vandersteen 5A's?
I'm driving my 5As with 60-into-8 Atma-Sphere M-60Mk.3.1s, and FINALLY I've found an amp(s) I probably will keep forever. There's no lack of power--the system plays louder than I'd ever want to listen in my largish 3200CF room, and it never sounds... 
So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?
Vandersteen 5As. 
AQ Rocket 88 DBS or no DBS?
I agree heartily with Audiofreakgeek except in his use of the superlative ‘huge’. I find the only general type of audio component to possibly be substantially different sounding than another is loudspeakers. Altho I’m no Golden-Eared Audiofile--mo...