
Responses from jeffloistarca

Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
I've got the answer, post twice! Steely Dan, Roger Waters, Van Halen, Rush, and Shania Twain (I can't stand her music, but that woman is worth the price of admission to gawk at, thank God for quality binoculars) 
Your 5 Fav Rock Concerts
Frank Zappa was the best I've seen (8 times), The Tragically Hip (6 times and counting), Stevie Ray Vaughn (5 times), Dire Straits (Money for Nothing tour), Jethro Tull (7 times), Talking Heads (Stop Making Sense tour). Hmmm, only allowed 5 eh? Damn! 
I would like to hear from ex-Linnophiles
I read an interview with Ivor from Linn several years back; his arrogance and plain stupidity turned me off Linn for life. Add in the dumb names he gives his stuff, and I'm not interested at all, in my mind there are is much better to be had out t... 
Do Dealers think it is sinful..........
I buy and sell lots of stuff on the 'net. Like a warehouse store, the 'net offers good prices but virtually no service. I will NOT audition gear at a local retailer (or take it home for an audition) then look for a deal elsewhere, that's simply no... 
Shopping CD players: my big adventure
YBA CD Integre, silky smooth sound 
Same problem on "Who's Next" from The Who, I gave up on it. Unfortunate when you have to select music to listen to based on the engineering quality. If it's any consolation, ALL of Steve Windwood's stuff sounds incredibly good. Jeff 
Isolation babes? Damn, wishful thinking 
I tend to fiddle with gear til it sounds right, then leave it alone. I may add stuff like isolation babes and the like, but beyond that, it's all about the music. I haven't changed the set up of my main rig in over a year, the others get altered a... 
BAT or Sonic Frontiers w/ Martin Logans?
I'm using an Audio Research SP14 preamp with (2) Classe DR8 amps, makes the Quests sing real nice... 
AC Conditioners?
I've taken flack for my opinion on power conditioners in the past, but what the hell, here I go again. There's no doubt the quality coming out of the wall is garbage, no need for debate there. One of the distinguishing feaures of most high end gea... 
Audio refinement complete amp.
I'm in complete agreement, I own two Completes. In a modest (sub $5k) system, you likely won't find better 
Speaker brackets, Turntable shelf
Found a solution for both dilemmas. Stumbled across a used Target TT shelf, got that all set. As for the speaker brackets, went to the hardware store and wandered the aisles til I came up with a simple bracket that works. I'm using one of those ci... 
Is Oracle a copycat of Win Lab TT ?
I doubt is, Oracle has been around for a long long time. Granted they have gone through some owership changes in the past. Oracle is a customer of mine and I know Jacques Riendeau reasonably well, I'm pretty certain the original Delphi design was ... 
B&W 302, Paradigm Titans, or PSB Alpha's
oh, if you do buy B&W's, register them on the B&W website, they send you a really nice B&W keychain. I know, sounds lame, but it really is nice JL 
Add a DAC or buy a new CD player?
I'd pick up a used Sonic Frontiers TranDac, I got one for $100. Then, go tubes in the pre