
Responses from jeff1225

Stereo and Fish tanks - noisy need help
The most important question is what type of fish you keep. If you have a fresh water plant tank or a general low bio load, I recommend a quality canister filter like Eheim or RENA. Fluvals leak.....period. If you have Cichlids, well that's a diffe... 
New Pass Labs Xs amps
I did hear them at CES, and like every Pass amp at CES, they sounded wonderful. According to the Pass representative at the show, Nelson was getting some special sound out of the latest generation of First Watt amps that they wanted to capture on ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Its an all Soft Machine night for me tonight. Baby's asleep, so its up to the AKG701's..... 
Pass First Watt J2 vs F3
i heard both in my system and they are both excellent. i choose the J2 for two reasons:1. More dynamic range in my system, the extra power.2. The F3 has very low imput impedence and was a poor match with my Hovland pre.awesome amps 
Love the shelter 501MK2, what's the next step
I have a Shelter 501 and 5000 and have to say that they are very close sonicly. I have to agree with Audiofeil, upgrade your tone arm. 
Any Caviar Fans Here?
we are the 1%... 
Classe move to China
The real "enemy" or the proletariat is the machine, Marx missed the mark. As late as 1985, there were 45 people on the production line of a M&M's candy line. Now one person completely runs TWO lines! The American worker needs to be educated an... 
worse entertainer or performer of all time??
any "new" country artist. 
Live Performances Gone Awry
Rick Perry on last nights debate, worst live performance ever! 
Name 3 under appreciated pop/rock drummers
REM drummer Bill Berry. 
Why aren't the older members still active ?
what about Romy! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
its a Brian Eno night. when i lived in Seattle i bought all his albums from someone "getting out" of vinyl. i bet he's sorry now! 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
halcro,wouldnt you say that the current sme series is simple and functional, very eames like? 
The Audiophile's Wife
Your wife is an extremely good writer, very impressed. "audio winning," I'll be using that for now on! 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
After reading all f the banter while listening to my a 1964 original pressing of A Love Supreme on my Uno's, I just want more. Chad's correct, get more Avantgarde and you'll be happy.And remember....don't feed the trolls!