
Responses from jea48

Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
jo3533, Here is a quote from Charles Hansen.The only way that the case can provide any shielding for the audio circuitry is if it is connected to the signal ground. In addition, if it is left unconnected from the signal ground, then it will create... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
jo3533, Did you buy the Adcom amp new or used? I believe you said in a previous post the amp always had the hum since you have owned it. Is that correct? Did you click on the two links I provided for the sound of 60Hz and 120hz? Does the hum/buzz ... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
I think my post about XLR cables not being plugged in and there being noise was an error. CONFIRMED With the amp connected but not the per-amp there is no noise. Checked it twice tonight.That makes more sense why it doesn’t matter if the Marant... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Al,Just looked at the picture again. I think you are correct.Jim  
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Hi Al,Disregard my last post. at picture #3 of the OP’s Link of the XLR connector. Notice that jumper wire from pin 1 to pin 3? Could that be the problem?>>>>... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Al,From jo3533 first posted message.Quote:So this is what I have done to check the system so far.1.   First off I separated all of the components power sources, plugging each component into its own outlet with the amp plugged into the dedicated ... 
Audio Research VTM-200 Bias Issue
jellybean,F1, 7 ampF2, 4 ampBoth located in AC power line.F3, 1/4 amp Scroll down the page until you come to the power transformer diagram. Start to scroll up keeping your eyes to the far left hand side of the page.You will see 4 dual section caps... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Thanks Al for the response. Hopefully jo3533 will pick up some RCA shorting plugs.jo3533,Does the hum sound like one of these?60 Hz. 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
jea48 said:I have had instances when a power amp was left powered up and the preamp was turned off. There was not any hum/buzz coming from the speakers. Of course I have never owned a 300 watt per channel amp either. Not relevant; different compon... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Al,Thanks for the response.Second, I would discount as irrelevant all of the findings in which hum occurred when an unterminated XLR cable was connected, and when an XLR cable was connected to the AVR while the AVR was unplugged from AC power (whi... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
jo3533,I am at a loss.Starting from ground zero with no ICs connected to the Adcom Amp there is no hum.When you connected the DVD player to the Adcom amp using single ended ICs there was just a faint hum. Which Al explained the reason for the fain... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
I was and still am using XLR IC’s. I only ran RCA interconnects for the above test, and it still does not answer my initial question. Yes I understood you were going to use XLR ICs. I just don’t remember reading in one of your previous posts you h... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
Ok, so I hooked up an old Koss CD player to my amp. fired up the CD player and then the amp. One note about this unit is that it only has a two prong plug much like my Marantz.The noise was GREATLY reduced. I could still hear it, but is was very f... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
jo3533,You cannot connect the XRL cables to the amp without the other ends of the cables connected to a load/source.If they are not connected to a load, like a preamp, and are just laying there open ended you basically have 5 antennas picking up R... 
Help With 60Hz Hum PLEASE
This is driving me crazy. Next I am buying longer interconnects and moving the amp farther from the pre-amp. Ill let everyone know the results.You never said how long the XLR cables are. I assume they are at least 1 meter.That should be plenty lon...