
Responses from jea48

110 (or 120) vs 220
jimspov said:I naively thought if I doubled the voltage I could ~double my available power (~quadruple at 4 ohms?) and that would vastly increase the pool of speakers I could choose from (e.g., Totem, Magnapan).Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The... 
110 (or 120) vs 220
russe41,Quote from 2014 NEC Code210.6 Branch-circuit voltage Limitations. The nominal voltage of branch circuits shall not exceed the values permitted by 210.6 (A) through (E).(A) Occupancies Limitation. In dwelling units, and guest rooms or suite... 
110 (or 120) vs 220
I presume that IF the unit was designed to run at 220-240 (as well as 110-120) that most of your concerns would be alleviated? Only if one of the 2 Line conductors feeding the equipment was a neutral, a grounded conductor.One Hot ungrounded conduc... 
110 (or 120) vs 220
jimspov,Not sure what country you live in, your profile says n/a.If you live in the US it is against NEC code to install a 240V dedicated circuit to power a consumer sold piece of audio equipment. Good chance your local electrical inspection depar... 
110 (or 120) vs 220
Power, (Watts, VA)  =  Volts X Amps. 
Power On Power Off
I should wait for 15 minutes before I turn them back on to avoid damaging the amps or tubes. On my ARC tube amp I wait at least 5 minutes. YMMV.Should I always wait before switching a warm, but powered off amp back on? Is the reverse also an issue... 
Buzzing noise.
As I just hooked up my system :"Just hooked up my system"? Please explain. From previously having the same system hooked up? Did you have the same buzzing sound before? No? What did you change in the system?I don’t why when I turn on the power amp... 
Sources for information and/or advice on dedicated AC lines desired
whart said:For clarity, and Jea can correct me here, but I think "separate panel" means separate service from the street. First, my response on 05-14-2016 8:56am was in response to eichlerera’s post. eichlerera said:Question:I’m about to run two d... 
Sources for information and/or advice on dedicated AC lines desired
eichlerera Said:Question:I’m about to run two dedicated lines into my stereo room using a dedicated breaker panel.For grounding should I drive two copper grounding rods into the earth (one for each circuit) or can I connect both lines to one groun... 
How best to place tubes in an ARC VT-130SE
matched quads aren't important. each matched pair should be placed in each push-pull pair.Then please explain to the OP where you would install the new tubes, he has, for the best output balance across each channel.Here is the schematic wiring dia... 
How best to place tubes in an ARC VT-130SE
The previous owner of the amp advised me to put two of each quartet on each side of the amp, thus "averaging" them on each side, and as well "averaging" each side to the other.Have you ever install new power tubes in an amp that needs to be manual... 
How best to place tubes in an ARC VT-130SE one matched set on the left channel side and the other matched set on the right channel side.(V4 - V7 Left Channel)  (V14 - V17 Right channel) 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkait,You're an idiot! 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkraitJust as I suspected. You can’t.Ignorance is bliss. Google can be your friend.Two freebies, no charge.....Quote:What is a NRTL?A Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) is a third-party organisation that certifies products for the... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
Give me me one example, Mr. Smartypants.  Bet ya can't.A  $100 bucks payable by PayPal? You game?