
Responses from jea48

Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
atmashere said: In one of our preamps I measured a 158mV (0.158V) drop; in one of our amps I’ve seen a 2 volt drop cause a loss of 40 watts at the output of the amp. A fuse is one of those spots in that set of connections from the wall (AC power c... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
Hi Al,Just read your post. I should have done a better job of what I was trying to say. After reading your post, I can see why Ralph took it the wrong way. 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
atmaspere said:Its more than just millivolts- I can measure the effects with a 3 1/2 digit voltmeter. Mitch2’s suggestion by the way is excellent and is also measurable. Some fuseholders (like panel mount units) won’t allow this.In response to my ... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
jazzonthehudson said:With all due respect for the previous posters, I did reverse an (the same) Audio Magic Platinum in my PS Audio DSD (the same F1 fuse holder on the power supply board) several times and had other listeners present: we all exper... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
atmasphere, Again, great post. The best explanation I have heard to date for fuse directionality. I would think it should satisfy those that have experimented with fuse directionality and say they can hear a difference. I would think it should ... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
almarg posted:Atmasphere 5-26-2016 12:31pm EDT... I joined this thread recently with some results on testing. Those results are that the directionality appears out of coincidence and that actually greater improvement can be had by rotating the f... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
atmasphere said: I joined this thread recently with some results on testing. Those results are that the directionality appears out of coincidence and that actually greater improvement can be had by rotating the fuse in the holder for best contact.... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkait,What part don't you understand? You're continually trying to nitpick responses with certain people in threads. Sometimes asking for proof and then you will say in the same thread to take your word as the gospel. I think you just love to ... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkiat posted:almarg6,398 posts05-24-2016 10:41pm"I would think that it is not necessary to start modifying hardware and perhaps invalidating warranties in the process of getting to the bottom of the fuse directionality issue. IMO the methodolo... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkiat said:Why would they test for audibility? They test for measured parameters. Remember? Unless you count audio reviewers.  Would that meet your obviously high standards? So now you are admitting there are not any credible third party tests... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoffkait,You can’t even provide proof of any credible third party test that fuse directionality is audible.  
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
Just as I suspected.  You can't. 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
The HiFi Tuning fuse measurements that are provided in data sheets on their website were obtained by an independent third party tester. For Fuse directionality? If it would not be too much of an inconvenience could you produce a web link of the te... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
And what recognized industry third party would that be?Better yet. I am not disputing whether a fuse is directional or not. I believe many that have actually taken the time and tested it for themselves. BUT, with that said can you furnish anything... 
Direction of aftermarket fuses (only for believers!)
geoff kait said:I’m referring to an independent third party tester. That would be an honest and careful manner, no? Like UL?