
Responses from jea48

DC leakage from power amps
I found this link doing a search. As a semi-poll, I’d like to see those on this board whip out their multimeters and take a look at the DC that is being pr... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
almarg 7,451 posts                                                                       09-02-2017 1:14pm I don’t know what the gauge of the leads is, but given that the total length of the two leads is about 8 feet I suspect the lead resistanc... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
Correction:In my post dated 09-01-2017 8:33pm The only fuse I have on hand is a 4 amp slow blow fuse. I have an older model Fluke 87 True RMS multimeter and I checked for resistance across the fuse link end caps. With the meter set on ohms auto f... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
@kijanki,Thank you for your informative response. From what I understand the movement of the current in the conductor is quite slow.... Correct?Electric current is a flow of electric charge and not the flow of electrons.  (In fluids electric ch... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
Al,Thanks again for your response. Thanks, Jim. Regarding...Am I correct in assuming watts is a measurement of electrical energy? Watts is a unit of power, as you of course realize. Power is a quantity that is defined at a specific instant of time... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
Al, (almarg),Thank you for your responses to my questions. ... if only a voltage, (potential), is present, an electromagnet field will exist outside of the conductor/s without there being current... Correct? I’m not 100% certain, but I believe in... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
@almarg,AC transmission using wire conductors. Al,Could you please explain in more detail the relationship of the electromagnetic wave, that travels in the space outside of the conductor, (At near the speed of light), and the "current" that trav... 
Shipping B&O RX2 Turntable
Listener57,Here is the owner manual., "Setting up after unpacking".Note, the platter should be locked in place by 3 rim brakes. 3 transports screws lock the spring suspension in p... 
Help... my turntable is alive!
cleeds759 posts                                                                        08-25-2017 5:08pm moonglum... something could be mechanically "bottoming out" if it is periodic e.g cartridge rear end hitting a warp or negative VTA ...Certa... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
Al (almarg) and kijanki,I would trust your "expectation bias" over some others so called facts any day.Thank you both for your contributions to this audio forum. I never stop learning from what the two of you have to say. Sometimes I may not fully... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
@kijanki,Thank you for the response.Jim  
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
kijanki3,274 posts                                                                     08-24-2017 6:39pmDielectric constant of Teflon is about 2. Vacuum has dielectric constant of 1. Yes, Teflon will slow down electromagnetic wave. Insulator will... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
almarg7,435 posts                                                                     08-24-2017 3:12pm Jim (Jea48), I’m not sure if your most recent post is suggesting that I try to explain why Geoff’s comment is incorrect, or that I refrain fro... 
connect 2 different wire gauge to pos and neg speaker terminal
almarg7,433 posts 08-23-2017 6:08pmHi Steve,You raise good questions, which get into some complexities that are not obvious."The signal," and the energy that it conveys, is conducted through neither of the conductors. It is conducted in the form ... 
Directionality of wire
Jea48 8-19-2017 Al,Question. Does the hot/signal conductor, of an IC, hold any more importance carrying the audio signal from the source to the load than the ground/return conductor?If yes please explain.If not please explain. almarg: 8/19/17I wou...