
Responses from jea48

Why no “Break in” period?
Electronics do not have a break in period. You are only accommodating to the sound of your system. Your first impression is the right one.As for Paul McGowen, he will tell you what ever it takes to sell his equipment. He is not Ralph Karsten, Nel... 
Connecting an Audioquest NRG Edison 20 amp outlet
Just a guess Audioquest supplied the spade for use on stranded wire, not solid.Crimps don’t work well on solid wire.Just curl the solid wire around the ground screw on the outlet in a clockwise direction. Close the loop if possible and then tighte... 
Power Cords - Equipment Priority?
DO NOT ever use solid core wire for component power cables since it is not recommended by many electrical codes due to fatigue failures (i.e. breaking). Probably the majority of audio grade aftermarket power cords made today use solid core wire f... 
Dedicated Power Line Project
@emailists I assume you live in the US. My post only applies if you live in the US. If you use Romex, (Romex is a Trade Name for NM sheathed cable), it is not designed or manufactured, or UL Listed, for use as you would like to do as basically a p... 
15 amps vs 20 amps
The house is not new but was fairly recently rewired. @janehamble If the rewire was done after 2009 there is a good chance the governing AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) adopted the 2008 NEC section in the code requiring TR outlets in habitua... 
15 amps vs 20 amps
My wife and I have just moved to a new house As in a brand new constructed house?First the 20 amp outlets may be spec grade. As a rule spec grade outlets will have beefier contacts than cheapo residential grade outlets. The spec grade contacts ho... 
Tube types
@ infection From my limited tube rolling experiences I found myself agreeing with Joe S.Joe’s Tube Lore 
Audiophile Receptacle question
badger_erich8 posts 10-06-2019 8:14am Hey guys...noob here. With one of these outlets you’re referring to, I still need to buy and use some sort of surge/power protection right? If so, is that going to screw with the clean power coming from the o... 
Audiophile Receptacle question
@ daveyf Agree. 
Audiophile Receptacle question
daveyf1,318 posts   10-05-2019 1:25pm    Wait a minute, if you are using a vintage amp, are you not supposed to use the vintage plug ( two pin...non grounded) that came with it! Plug that into any wall outlet and you risk....well you know.Change ... 
Audiophile Receptacle question
zyphryx15 posts 10-03-2019 3:18pm @jea48 and yes; Romex is a brand name. I was using it like I would say "I need a band-aid" instead of saying "I need a sterile adhesive strip" or kool-aid instead of powdered drink mix or Kleenex instead of boxed... 
Audiophile Receptacle question
You can use 12/3 or 14/3 Romex. The braided 4-wire is for 220v ranges & dryers. It’s braided because if it were solid you couldn’t pull it through studs and joists. Canceling EMI wasn’t really a consideration although it may work. It’s not br... 
Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?
@stereo5 How about the Link to the ad.... 
Tube life
@ jrod68 OP Any suggestions on tubes other than stock?  
Tube life
Small signal tube life, (example 12AX7 and 12AT7), for new production tubes is about 4000 hours average. NOS signal tubes from the 1950s, 1960s are said to average up to 10,000 hours of life. The average tube life depends on how hard the designer...