
Responses from jea48

Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
The reason that I wish to remind people that AC has no polarity is to rid them of the fallacy that there is only one direction for the current. This is not true, therefore all 'mumbo-jumbo' about assymetrical AC circuits and where the hot and grou... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
10-14-07: Inpepinnovations while it might not make a difference sound wise, it might make a difference 'hum' wise. If no hum present, then I agree, since AC does not have 'polarity' as DC does.InpepinnovationsBob, when we speak of ac polarity lets... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
(quote)1) Reversed AC polarity -- All power transformers have an inherent asymmetry to their construction. The primary winding comprises multiple layers, so that one lead is connected to the innermost windings and the other lead is connected to th... 
Polarity on a non-bladed plug?
>> I remember reading somewhere that the plug wire that has ridges on the side is the ground and the smooth side hot.<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>As for the cord you are correct. Though the correct terminol... 
Hum- help needed
connected to a dedicated ground rod, separate from the house ground.I thought you said you hired a Licensed Electrician??Danger Will Robinson!. 
How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm?? the Find window type in, disable vtf spring rega arm. 
Help---What happens when a tube
I agree with Lak. Though instead of just turning off the unit for a few minutes unplug it from the wall outlet for a few minutes. Even with the unit turned off, the unit maybe in standby mode, a microprocessor may be locked upped. Had any large st... 
How to eliminate popping noises from ac supply?
I recently rearranged all my plug-ins in my Furutech eTP 80 to ensure all components were plugged into appropriate receptacles, digital into filtered side, amps into non-filtered side, and now I have these popping noises in my system. Any time som... 
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
Micro arcing 
How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm?? 
How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm??
I don't have a 300 now to check, but I can't believe that on max, the spring is "Locked" down. If it were, it couldn't function as a spring.>>>>>It is not acting as a spring. Think of it as being disabled. You are setting the VTF wi... 
How do YOU set VTF on your Rega arm??
I am confused about the spring loaded adjustment for VTF on the RB300, which I am not familar with. Can you please explain the use of this adjustment on the RB300.Miner42 Here is info that came with the Expressmio "The Heavy Weight".[Quote:]For op... 
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
Sorry to have injected an inaccurate/spurious term ("micro arcing") in the discussion.Rushton. Not sure what else to call it..... Works for me.. 
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
Zinsco electrical panels 
Dedicated Lines & Power Conditioners
09-17-07: CheapmikeIv'e noted sizzle or "micro-arcing" from Zinsco brand circuit breakers (common in older houses) you can actually hear coming from the breaker with heavy load applied.Zinsco, was junk from the get go. They went out of business ye...