
Responses from jdub39

CD player to compete with my vinyl rig?
I have an Oppo 95 and similar taste in music the two test this thing had to pass was massed strings and brass, Bruckners 7th and 9th Paavo Jarvi (RCA sacd) and Ivan Fisher's Mahlers 2nd Channel Classics sacd deliver outstanding tonality, rich harm... 
? about oppo
That's just one Man's opinion! ? and Far below? I seriously doubt that! 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
AVS forums has tons of info on that subject! 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
The 95's usb input is no slouch! and taps right into the Ess sabre dac's from mp3 up to 192/24 yielding playback that's nothing short of stellar. I have to say my prize recording is Ivan Fisher's Mahlers's 2nd Channel Classics sacd, but out of cur... 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
"I think there's a new flagship from Oppo coming that will include inputs to the DAC to make it an all-in-one media centre. A bit like the Ayre I guess"The Ayre has no digital input!The 95's usb is a fantastic digital input and is already an all i... 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
From what others have said about the Venom 3 its a great powercord but I wouldn't hesitate to move up Shunyata's line when budget allows of course. If it competes with units $3000 and up, treat it like a $3000 unit! My intial powerord was Ps Audio... 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
There may be a rumored surprise around the corner for this! While I'm not sure about the details, I do know it has something to do with Apple! 
Oppo BDP-95 sounds GREAT?
The sound staging is was what got me as well! after lots of comparison with my previous frontend setup, I found it difficult to go back. It had just the right amount of leading edge without sacrificing width, height and depth. The 95 is sensitive ... 
SameSspeaker Cable and Interconnects
I have to admit my system is more synergistic having a loom of Power cords ( all Ps audio AC3-AC12) speaker(Morrow/sp3 and Ma3 xlr to amp) I do however have a set of AQ's Columbia xlr's from source to preamp. All in all best its been! 
Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95
Hi Jfz, are you using balanced outs or rca?Something else worth trying, is to set the Oppos trims to there default of "0" with the volume at 100 and use the gain in your preamp from there! 
Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95
No chance!on the 83se and sorry Jfz the 95 is not doing it for you! although I find it a bit curious as my 95 replaced a stock Denon 5900 which had what I like to call That big full Denon sound" I found the 95 did not to give up anything in terms ... 
Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95
Dopogue, I speak only to the merits of the 95, as I never owned an Oppo product prior to it. Not sure why it took the 95 so long to settle but this is what it took in my setup.I only posted to give some insight on what I found over the course 500 ... 
Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95
30 hrs! You did yourself a disservice by forming an opinion on out of the box performance! I as well as many others have found the recessed sound to go away with no less than 50-75 hrs of playback and full burn in around 500 hrs and up. You might ... 
Oppo 95: Burn-in...and Fan
Yeah the Caig can be oily, I use a separate cloth( some use alcohol) to remove any excess I find that after a week or two the sound character of the Caig wears off and all cables settle back in! 
Your best ''outstanding'' products in last 5 yrs?
Parasound halo A21,Morrow audio SP3 Biwire cables and MA3 xlr's, Loom of Ps Audio cables AC12-AC3, Soloist Premier in-wall conditioner,Boston Acoustics E100 mains,Oppo 95and Ps Audio Quintet have contributed to best sound Iv'e heard in 25 yrs!Lovi...