
Responses from jdub39

Has the Oppo carried the AV industry?
Yep! they sure have 
WireWorld HDMI: Starlight 6 VS Island 6
You should try the Redmere's direct to the display especially from the Oppo 105. I agree as far as the audio assessment goes I compared it to a Pangea H24 with 6% silver over Pocc which is great for multichannel sacd and indeed noted fuller sound ... 
JL Audio E110 vs REL R328 vs REL R218
If bass accuracy is paramount add the new series of subs from Ken Kresiel the DXD808 is a must for your short list! I have its larger sibling the DXD12012 and its the best bass I've heard period and has the lowest distortion measured. 
Need Advice on Subwoofer Selection
Give a Ken Kresiel DXD808 a listen, it has the foot print your looking for and at under 2K, it has dual 8" drivers in push pull configuration with 375 watt mono blocks for each speaker and extension down to 10hz. I own its bigger brother the DXD12... 
Anthem & Xfinity
I had an AVM 20v2 with old motorola dvr, you need to select a different sound mode when its only a 2/ch signal say PLII, Anthem's own or DTS NEO. 
Anthem & Xfinity
If this is only because of the tv issue , comcast has admitted its a bug, and a simple solution for now is to use an optical cable which is what I've used from the beginning and can report it has worked well for 5.1 sources but there are still som... 
Shunyata Venom 3 vs. Morrow MAP1/2
I the same curiosity recently and wanted to try one of Morrows powercables to see if the bought the same benefits to my gear the MA3&MA4 xlr's and SP3 biwires did, I purchased an MAP2 1.5 meter and replaced the PS Audio AC3 or AC5 I would run ... 
Anthem & Xfinity
Did you set your X-1 to surround sound ? its in the device setup menu. Also keep in mind there are still a few bugs with the X-1 platform but the good news its getting better with each update they do. 
What is the best subwoofer you have ever heard?
That honor goes to the new Ken Kresiel DXD12012! 
Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105
For surround duty I use an Anthem MCA 30 3x220, and good luck on getting a demo on the 8801 I think you'll like what you hear. 
Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105
Kal bought the 8801! that should tell something and as for the Halo A21, its a stereo amp. I didn't try the 5.1 or 7.1 only the stereo balanced outs from the Oppo 105 direct to the A21 ( with no 8801 in the chain)But in the end I ran the balanced ... 
Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105
Hi! if you reread my post, the 105's analog outs for a stereo comparison to the Halo A21 was the first connection method , I used the XLR connection and this became my reference point to judge the 8801 as a 2 channel preamp in which you won't be d... 
Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105
The 8801 is very close indeed to the Oppo 105 for 2/ch and could easily live with the least cost solution of running everything to it.That is saying a lot and I'm glad I don't have to choose between the two, now having said that if I had my choice... 
Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Marantz 8801 great analog inputs for 2/ch and the ability to add a sub while running mains fullrange and you may be surprised how it handles multi/ch sacd via hdmi with Audyssey!I use it with my Oppo 105 for both analog and hdmi and can't say enou... 
oppo 105 vs 103
I sold my Denon 5900 to get a 95, and sold my 95 to get a 105! end of story.