
Responses from jdoris

Why not go wireless? (And how?)
Surprised there are not more opinions on this, though not surprised opinions are negative. Point taken, erik_squires -- wireless could easily induce stability issues that do not exist with a wired connection.  I'm a computer audio guy, but that so... 
Does a Tube Dac make sense?
@jjss49 There certainly s a wide range of confidence with which opinions are tendered! ;) 
Banned in Audiogon?
Does a Tube Dac make sense?
I'm not getting why tubed digital sources are a bad idea, in general.Georgehifi mentions added challenges mating with downstream equipment, but are there other reasons?Surely there are better and worse designs, but people have mentioned numerous w... 
Banned in Audiogon?
Err, because some points were made about Wilsons that some of us found interesting?Plus, it's a test of the OPs "banned" hypothesis, for one manufacturer. 
Speaker purchase question
One thing that can be helpful: arrange a phone call with seller before any significant purchase.  One still has to ask the right questions, but details are more likely to come out even if one doesn't.  Also good to get a feel for things, before se... 
Banned in Audiogon?
Good question, cd318.  Another possibility is that the Wilson designers are succeeding very well at getting the sound they and their many customers like.  Remains a bit puzzling why they are so polarizing, but no doubt Wilson sells a lot of very e... 
Banned in Audiogon?
Off main topic, but I've calvinandhobbes' experience when I've heard Wilsons at shows -- definitely a bit on the "technical" side.  Not sure that's a fault: seems like there is a lot of legitimate variation in personal taste on a detail/accuracy v... 
Speaker purchase question
That's too bad, mcp.  Given that there are some shades of grey here, I'd probably not want to get into a hassle about negative feedback, even though the seller did not particularly distinguish themselves.I personally prefer no grills (though a row... 
Speaker purchase question
IMO, best practice: anything that was originally included by manufacturer and is not present at resale should be explicitly mentioned. That said, the grills were not pictured, and seller did not actively mislead, so he's got a case; I doubt what h... 
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?
I received a 93 pound amp via FedEx, no issues, sent in my 70 pound trade in the same way.In both cases, original packing and double boxed, clearly marked.  If you don't have the original packaging, the idea of getting advice from manufacturer a g... 
Good 2 channel integrated amplifier for 702 s2 under 3k?
Lots of strong options at your pricepoint, esp used (amps perhaps an esp, good bet, on second hand market).  Again, being clear on needed power and features will narrow the huge field.With blackbag20 on Odyssey, if you want some power.  Had a Stra... 
Good 2 channel integrated amplifier for 702 s2 under 3k?
Looks like your speakers are tolerably efficient, at 90db.  Depending on listening volumes, room size etc., it's likely you could get away with less power, and invest in fewer, better watts.I'd probably figure out exactly what my power requirement... 
Sound quality of Newer versus Older speakers
Are there differences due speakers being voiced to the music of their era?I remember hearing Dylan's "Desire" on some 70 era's monitors with big, sloppy woofers, and thinking, "Wow, this is really right."Sort of like movies' voicing of natural spe... 
Installing Dedicated Power Lines -- Need Advice
A quick tangent, but +1 to lowrider57:Thanks to the late great Almarg.I've been away from  here  for some time, and hadn't heard about Al, and just discovered the news of his passing.I wrote this with tears in my eyes: I never met Al, and I was ab...