
Responses from jdodmead

cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
I have an Audio Research PH5 phono pre going into a VTL Tl-5.5 tube pre-amp. Only one phono pre. The Black is used, but I'm told not even yet broken in. 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
Raul,Could you please make some suggestions on pre's that would take me to the big league? ThanksJeff 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
I appreciate all of your advice, I have made a deal on a Koestu Black. I hope I made a good decision.Raul,Are you saying my weak link is the PH5? I would have thought it would be the Scout.ThanksJeff 
How much to setup a table??
Nice set up, I wish I lived near you. I'd help for beers and a listen.Jeff 
Phono pre-amp for Shelter 501 MK
Rick and Daemon, I am very sorry if I mispoke, it just seemed like a big coicindence at the time. I sincerely appoligize for questioning your motives.Jeff 
Phono pre-amp for Shelter 501 MK
Be careful,it just so happens that pre just got listed as a promotional item and Rick just happens to be a brand new member. Now that i look further Daemon is a brand new member. I'm only saying... 
Back in the states, time to rebuild - need advice
You will be very disapointed if you go the receiver route rather than seperates. There is no comparision in either 2 channel or HT. 
Lead shot VR4jr's
Got the shot in and I am somewhat surprised at what a difference it made. Much tighter bass, I am very pleased with the improvement.Thank you all very much for your advice.jeff 
Lead shot VR4jr's
Cford,I just purchased these in June, how can I tell if these are the new or old version of the spikes? Good idea on the floor protectors, that's worth a try. 
Lead shot VR4jr's
Can you recommend spikes? Should they be brass rather than aluminum? I do have hardwood floors, if that makes any difference.Thank you very much for the adviceJeff 
Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?
I am confused. If I am bi-wiring should I remove the jumper plate between the two bass terminals if I am connected to the lower one? 
Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?
Just to update on what I am doing. I bought a pair of used Nuforce 8.02's. They are awfully small amps,but put out a lot of power and tight bass. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to keep them, it's a toss up between these and my 80 lb V12. They bo... 
VSA VR4 SR or JR as a match to my system and room
I called VS when I received my VR4JR's with set up questions and they were very helpful. They were in no hurry to get me off the phone and did not refer me to the dealer. I did buy mine from the local dealer in Minnesota. 
Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?
So far very happy with the way the JR's are sounding. The advice I received from the factory was on the money. Got them on the spikes yesterday, no lead shot, not sure I really need it. They have about 50 hrs. on them so far and are opening up nic... 
Von scheikert VR4jr what are you using ?
I talked to someone at Von Schweikert yesterday, not Albert, and I was given some placement advice. I now have them spread apart about 12 ft and the soundstge is much wider and a little more spatious. They are sounding better as they get more play...