
Responses from jdodmead

What should I upgrade -- speakers or amp?
I would suggest looking at Von Schweikert VR4jr's you will get much more bang for the buck. I started with CDM7NT's(which I still have),went to N805 Sigs, then Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand's and now have in my system the VR4jr's. You will get ... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Yes, thanks Nate, I also think of Pat often.Jeff 
Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system
I would recommend looking at VTL, I've had BAT(VK31SE) and it didn't have the air that the VTL(TL5.5) has. 
Class D Amps - FM reception
I just sold my Nuforce 9.02's just because of the rf intereference. Wonderful sounding amps, just couldn't live with the rfi. 
Nuforce with Stillpoints ERS fabric
I gave up and sold the Nuforce, I love them, but time to move on. Now I have been scouring the ads for a replacement. Really having a hard time picking something. Should I or shouldn't I go back to tubes? Monos? Should I just buy something to tide... 
Nuforce with Stillpoints ERS fabric
I replaced the Nuforce with my Anthem amp and the buzz went away, That's how I figured out that it's the Nuforce amps.I am only using balanced for the amps, I don't have balanced inputs anywhere else. It is not a dedicated line,but I will be havin... 
Nuforce with Stillpoints ERS fabric
I was using Discovery cables for the whole vinyl chain. I have been changing out cables, MIT, Nordost and Radio Shack, none of them resolve the buzz issue. I even tried wrapping the cables in aluminum foil, did nothing to help. I can move the cabl... 
I need to get my system updated, but I am still using the Nordost cables. I had Discovery in there before the BAT, but they were worse with the buzz than the Nordost. The buzz changes volume when I just shift the cables around. I have an extra set... 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
As much as I like the Black, you guys are already making me regret not getting a Lyra. So far I am happy with the Black and I will have to wait a while before I can try a Helikon.ThanksJeff 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
Skala? I'd love to, but that there is one big jump. I don't think I will ever get a chance to try a cart in that caliber unless I win the Lotto. But again, I would love the opportunity, although it may be wasted on my tin ears. 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
I got the Black and at first I was dissapointed. All lot of it came from my set-up, which I have tweaked and it is breaking in nicely. Now I am plaesed with the sound and think I made a good choice in carts. I also doubt that it is fully broken in... 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
I talked the Audio Research and was told that if I have a total of 70dB gain with the PH5 and my pre-amp, I will be fine. The PH has 57.5dB and my VTL has 20dB, so I should have plenty for the Koetsu Black(at least I hope so)RegardsJeff 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
Thanks,again for all of your advice, I really do appreciate it. I'm sure I will be asking for more.Jeff 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
100 does seem to be the magic number on a lot of the listings. But I got lucky and it was only 10. Time will tell. The seller has also agreed to taking it back, if I am not happy with it. I doubt that will happen, but it's an offer, that I persona... 
cartridge Benz, Koestu, Lyra
John,I realize that buying used is somewhat of a gamble. I do my best on making sure that the seller is trustworthy, either by feedback or some of the thread responses. I have yet to run into a dishonest Audiogoner. I also realize that shipping is...