
Responses from jdec

selection of amp to drive DYNAUDIO C1
Anyone using the C1's with a class D amplifier? 
Problem with older REL subs & class D amps
Hey, I'm scared! Does this issue also apply to Wyred 4 Sound amplifiers??I have had my W4S ST-1000 connected to the High-level input on my REL Storm III for about 2 months now with no apparent issues so far.Or have I just been lucky and my system ... 
B&W 802 N with Wyred4sound 1000 STI
This a'goner seems to like the B&W N802s with the W4S ST-500 quite a bit:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vevol&1196356694&read&keyw&zzwyred 
Fritz Carbon 7 vs. Tyler Linbrook Sig. Monitor
Jdoris said: "but the description of the Carbon's as "full (for a monitor), warm, and easy to listen to" sounds right."Does it mean the Carbon 7 could be considered too polite or "boring" sounding by some people? 
Fritz Carbon 7 vs. Tyler Linbrook Sig. Monitor
Kiza, why definitely the Carbon 7? 
Wyred 4 Sound experience with 804Ds
"A friend ditched his Mark Levinson monoblocks for the W4S in driving his Revel Salon2 speakers. " -RyderRyder, do you remember the model of your friend's ML monoblocks? thanks 
Wyred 4 Sound experience with 804Ds
Funny that Srajan Ebaen mentioned this in the review of the ST500:"In my extensive amplifier comparisons the ST-500 was considerably warmer and denser than three different Mosfet amps from ModWright, FirstWatt and Nagra; two valve amps (one Yamamo... 
B&W 805 Diamond or Dynaudio C1 ??
Hi Ejlif, what was the result of that comparison? did they prefer one over the other? 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
>>So another passive with less parts count than LSA is superior?<< KnghifiLess parts in the SIGNAL PATH than the LSA? only a straight piece of wire ;-) 
Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC
Douglas_Schroeder, just out of curiosity...why were 2 different opamps (LME49720 and LME49710) used instead of just one type? 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
>> Maybe true to the source should be more about the least coloration added to something that's been colored from the beginning....If I can eliminate one source of coloration from the mix I figure I've taken a step in the right direction (fo... 
Oh no, not B&W again
Budt, besides "spectacular", what other adjectives would you use to describe the 802Di's sound? thanks 
nuforce Ref 9 SE V3 vs wyred 4 sound STI 1000
Art, interesting, which one do you prefer, the W4S STI-1000 or the Cary SLI80? 
McIntosh MC501 vs Wyred SX1000
So do I. 
B&W 805D vs. Dynaudio Contour S1.4
Tdwalker,can you please expand a bit your comments regarding the differences you found between the 805Di and the Auditor M? thanks in advance.