
Responses from jdcrox

Music you would like to turn someone on to.
I like the Dropkick Murphys. Yep, Irish rockers from Boston. I'm 47 and I can admit my teenagers turned me onto them..LOL 
I'm frustrated with people who don't ...
I dont discuss my addiction with many people at length, I just accept that they dont "get it". Of course, many people truly cant hear the difference. But what makes it all worthwhile is having someone over, letting them sit in the sweet spot, and ... 
Soundtracks that ROCK
Grosse Pointe Blank. Believe it or not! 
Speakers you regret selling
My old AR-12's. I actually gave them away rather than move them with me. Great old speakers that taught me to appreciate accurate bass, rather than "thump". 
The tweeter on my speaker has a crater...Help
Hammy, he is talking about a tweeter, there is no cone, only the dome! (At least in any dome tweeter I have seen). John 
GMA Europa discontinued?
Gee Roy, just great! Now I am gonna feel the need to upgrade my originals. LOLJohn 
Cayin TA-30 thoughts...
Scott, my listening room is about 13' x 16'. Carpeted. Current favorites lean towards Jazz, esp sax, female vocals. Also a fair amount of mostly classic rock. It has never sounded strained even at quite loud levels, louder than I would comfortably... 
Cayin TA-30 thoughts...
I have had my Cayin for about 3 months now. I agree, it just brings out stuff I havent heard before. I had it driving my NHT VT-2's, amazingly it did surprisingly well, even tamed the NHT edge. Now driving GMA Europas it just keeps me enthralled. ... 
How does the CLD-59 rate as a laser disc source?
For some of the best LD player info, go to alt.video.laserdisc. Ignore all the spam, but if you have any machine issues, ask for Kurtis Bahr. He does repair on the side and is very well respected. 
How does the CLD-59 rate as a laser disc source?
Hi GlenAs far as s-video goes, it depends on which has the better comb filter, your TV or the LD player. If you have a recent TV, it probably has a better filter than a 10-yr old LD player. Experiment with both composite and s-video and pick which... 
GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use?
Hey Pete, a word of advice from the Dad of 2 very sound-sleeping kids: DON'T BE EXTRA QUIET for them. Listen to TV, stereo at normal volume (within reason), talk in normal voices. If you go around whispering "shhhhh, the kids are in bed", they wil... 
GMA Europa owners, what amps do you use?
I am still waiting to purchase Europas, and am looking at a pair here. I recently purchased a Cayin 30/watt channel tube integrated, and love the sound. Since I listen from less than 8 feet, I am hoping it will suffice for the Europas. OT, Roy, an...