
Responses from jburidan

Tube tester...anyone own their own?
I have five, i.e., Stark, Marconi, B&K, Heathkit, and a Western Electric KS-15750-L1 from estate of Alan Douglas who wrote The Book of Tube Testers and Classic Electronic Test Gear.They are all sweet :) 
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
You can do much better than B&W, whose reputation is the result of massive advertising rather than real merit.   
Old Legendary tubes vs New Kids on the block Amperex/Siemens/Tele vs Psvane/TAD/Shugaung
One unbeatable old tube is the Tung Sol roundplate 6SN7 
Audio Research Ref 6 SE
"...why were ARC using totally inferior and poor quality capacitors, internal wiring and other parts in the first place??"My thoughts precisely :) 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Dunno, but I use those white ceramic dishes made for corn on the cob cuz they are inexpensive and shaped just right for holding cables. 
Help !
The Acronova Nimbie will hold 100 discs. You load it up and let it work all night ripping discs to your server while you sleep. It's the least tedious way to rip a large collection.  
Help !
Acronova Nimbie USB 3.0 Blu-ray/CD/DVD AutoLoaderhttps://www.amazon.com/Acronova-Nimbie-Blu-ray-AutoLoader-NB21-BR/dp/B005CAMVKU 
Your vote: Most Useless Audio Adjective
Accurate or realistic. 
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
Used gear should be priced about fifty percent of new. If you offer less than fifty percent that's prolly a lowball. 
How come Horn + woofer designs are not more popular?
The good ones are expensive. 
R2R Dac choices.
Is Yggy R2R? 
Is Audiogon search working since 5/15/19?
I noticed that it's all screwed up. 
Tube dealers on E-Bay
Good advice. 
Most “disappeared” speakers.
Most high-end speakers will disappear in a proper room. Monitors more so than floor standers. 
Tube rolling Question
geoffkait:Your star has descended behind the bog.