
Responses from jazzdude

TACT Power Supply Upgrade From Aberdeen Components
Is your RCS D/A or D/D? Mine is D/D and I am curious as to what benefits the PS upgrade would yield. 
Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s
Glai - damping factor is determined by dividing the load resistance by the output resistance of the amp. The W5's output resistance is 0.01 ohms at the low end but increases slightly in the upper frequencies. The W5 has zero global negative feedba... 
Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s
First suggestion is don't do it... Too many people have tried to power thiels with an economy mix of electronics and regretted it. Pick up a very good used power amp for at least $2-3k used. I personally prefer the Sim Audio Moon W5 for this. If y... 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Nickway - If timing errors occur it would be on the digital output. I'm not familiar with the apple OS. Does apple OS have mixer issues like WinXP? Is there something in the apple OS that would approximate kernel streaming or ASIO in WinXP. When I... 
Is this ludicrous or not?
Teajay - Just like sometimes the answer sought is not for the question asked. Maybe the feature product of the review wasn't the amp but the reviewer's pet tweak. Otherwise you are righton in your comments. But I've never been convinced that just ... 
Power for Thiel 7.2
For Thiels power is not the issue. It's damping factor that matters most. 200-400 wpc into 8ohms is adequate. 
TACT Power Supply Upgrade From Aberdeen Components
Which version of RCS is this for? 2.0, 2.0s. 2.2x? 
cdp digital volume control or preamp?
As others have said this is an issue of personal preference. Volume control in the digital domain always results in the loss of resolution, -1-bit/6db below unity gain. You should really consider the sound quality of the outputs on your source whe... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Raytheprinter - 6SN7 quality starts to decline in the early 50's. This is just a generalization. There are very noteable exceptions like the Sylvania 6SN7GT of that period. 6sn7gta and 6sn7gtb are not as good for audiophile applications as 6sn7gt ... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
Slowhand - I used the dual-plate 5932 in the Sauvignon and Cabernet for at least 18 months. IMO it is probably the most underrated of the regulator tubes. My SupraTeks were always at their quietest and the soundstage most stable with the 5932 in p... 
Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody
I have an extra pair of TJ101D which I cannot use in my cabernet. So any cabernet owners who can use this tube are welcome to them. Its a freebie, I don't won't any money for them. Send me an email. 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
Jwglista - slower drives run cooler and quieter and will probably last longer also. There is no point in putting a drive that spins faster than 5400rpm in a DigAudPC. Fragmentation is not an issue since you only write the files once when you rip t... 
Is Windows Media Lossless Lossless???
WMA is definitely lossy compression. I think FLAC supports tags but don't know an uncompressed format that supports tags universally. Foobar lets you tag wav files but other applications will have difficulty reading the files and tags. I have at l... 
Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner
I was at a agon member's house tuesday listening to tunes. He said that meitner was about to get kicked off the 'product of the moment' chart by reimyo. No reflection on the sound of either product. That is just the way it goes. 
Hum in my reciever from PC
PC's emit a good amount of both EMI and RFI. Between the power supply, CPU, and bus I don't know how you could shield the soundcard and most importantly the DAC chips on it. Special care would have to be taken not to short anything out. You might ...