

Responses from jaytor

Streamer to Denafrips Iris to Pontus need cable suggestions please
@fthompson251 - Unfortunately, my Gaia does not have programmable i2s settings. This feature was not provided in the first version.   
Streamer to Denafrips Iris to Pontus need cable suggestions please
The RJ45 connection is another way to pass i2s. I don't have experience using the RJ45 connection, but I have used the HDMI connection between the Gaia and Terminator Plus. I have an early Gaia and early Terminator Plus, and with the firmware upd... 
300b lovers
@charles1dad - Thank you.  @atmasphere - One of the reasons I was thinking of using single section tubes was to improve matching. I've noticed this section matching problem in LTPs I've been playing with, particularly with some of the soviet tube... 
300b lovers
@lynn_olson - what are your thoughts on using a balanced input stage to drive a single ended 300B?  My front end hardware is all balanced and I like using balanced connections. I’m thinking an LTP with a CCS on the cathodes and a push/pull interst... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
I spent some more time in Clayton’s room at CAF. I thought the speakers sounded nice for the money. They didn’t sound honky or boomy like some systems did at the show, but I didn’t think they were better than his earlier products. I thought the sy... 
Who is excited about Capital Audiofest 2023?
I also thought the Songer audio speakers sounded great. The Joseph Audio and Magico speakers also sounded very nice.  i was also pretty impressed with the small stand mount speakers that OCD audio guy has in his room. I can’t remember what they ... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
The room was pretty crowded so I only listened to them for a few minutes and I was on the side of the room. I hope to get back later in the show. I couldn’t really assess the imaging and sound stage, but they sounded clean with good tone, nice ran... 
Auralic Vega G2 or Denafrips Pontus II 12th + streamer?
I own a Vega G2 as well as a Terminator Plus. I'm using a Sonore Signature Rendu SE into a Denafrips Gaia as my streamer for the T+.  I would not be concerned with the steamer becoming obsolete.  I think every steamer on the market is software up... 
DSP Active Crossover
@dsp - Al, I didn't mean to imply that the dspNexus isn't a well engineered product.  I would expect that replacing the SMPS with a linear supply that was good enough to provide a noticeable improvement to the sound quality would more than double ... 
Subwoofers: Ported or sealed?
@phusis - I am currently crossing them over at around 180Hz. My main speakers are dipole line arrays which start to roll off around 200Hz, so this crossover point blends well. The sub towers with the plate amps I'm using won't play much higher tha... 
Subwoofers: Ported or sealed?
Another option to consider is open baffle, if you have the room. I am really enjoying the bass from my open baffle subs, and prefer the bass quality compared to the sealed and ported subs I have had in the past. To me, it sounds much more natural ... 
DSP Active Crossover
@ricevs - I have been using the dspNexus as the DAC/preamp, so I'm feeding it USB audio directly (no conversion from analog). I don't think it makes sense to use my Terminator + and preamp ahead of the dspNexus.  I agree that the dspNexus could b... 
DSP Active Crossover
@ricevs - Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to work with this yet. I've been buried with work (I run an ecomm business and do all the coding - getting ready for the holidays) so this has taken a back seat. Setting up the dspNexus means I ... 
Who is using I2S cables?
@marco1 - It is available, but it is not in full production yet. They are still working on the software and an upgraded DSP module.  I do have one and have been playing around with it for the past few weeks. I haven't had a lot of time to spend o... 
Who is using I2S cables?
@marco1 - yes, I agree. I am currently using the Gaia with AES3 which works well, but I think an Iris connected over i2s could still be an improvement.  I am playing around with a DSP active crossover (dspNexus by Danville Signal) which would rep...