
Responses from jayh

Has to be said
I understand less than 1/4 of the science here,Have a couple of observations:Steve Deckert of Decware has a paper on this topic-go to the website, go to papers-I think it's called: "What is sound?"In a music store a couple of months ago ,I saw a g... 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
There there is an old saying about opinions- everybody’s got one.Do the build, make mistakes, learn from them, get help from others w more experience, get advice, take some w less than a grain of salt, enjoy the ride!Listen! 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
Not chip- discreet transistors.The sides of the chassis are large heat sinks-Even so it gets pretty warm! (class A).7 watts on a side, switch on back to convert to 14 watt monoblock, also set up for XLR input 14 w mono. 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
Built one w my daughter last Christmas when she was home from college.Took us a couple of days, probably 14 hrs total, but I did a lot of talking. She had never soldered before. I've done some kits.Her gift was the finished amp. Mine was the time ... 
First Post- what not to do
Do NOT under any circumstances ever ever get your fingers across the speaker field coil output of an old Wurlitzer vacuum tube jukebox! 
Horn Speaker Recommendations
I have not heard the Volti Speakers, but I added the Volti upgrade (horns, drivers, crossover) to my original K-horns.Paid more for the kit than the K-horns(used) & was worth every penny.The improvement was night & day. 
Your favourite music movie?
Loved the Commitments, Rocky Horror is always fun, Haunting sound of the Good bad & ugly stands out, No Cat Stevens fans for the sound track of "Harold & Maude'? 
Dynavector XX2 mk2 vs Lyra DELOS which is better?
1+ for Soundsmith rebuild. 
Entry level turntable for my son
If it were my kids, the idea it came from grandad would mean a lot.Many other suggestions are for better quality tables.Why not start w a gift, if it needs cleaning, maintenance, lubrication, do it together, if it needs at minimum stylus replaceme... 
Horns: Why don't they image well?
I’ll try to make this short.Lusted after Klipschorns since I was in college (70’s), bought a pair used years ago , struggled w loving the sound, turning up the the volume, finding the sound harsh, turning the volume down, found the Volti website, ... 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
Seriously, folks, why did us Bluebook subscribers automatically roll over into “Insiders”?Is it as simple as they already had our credit card numbers from Bluebook and they could?I certainly don’t know.But I think we all should be having a very cl... 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
I was until now, totally unaware that I “joined”- autopilot UNLESS we opt - out?HOW do we opt- out?I guess it’s a conspiracy to swell the numbers of the “insiders”?(Or maybe I just got on my phone, having had one too many- My bad) 
Insider or Outsider? To be or not to be,...?
Reminds me of the TV show, can’t remember the name, where next to the city bus stop bench, they put up a “elite bus stop bench” where for a few extra bucks you sat on essentially the same bus stop becnch, but roped off from the riff raff by the cl... 
Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?
I occurs to me that because tubes require a vacuum to function, by design they must “suck” if they did not, they could not function:) 
Hard to sell my Klipsch Heritage Speakers for a possible Harbeth upgrade.
Don’ sell them.I have both Klipsch corner horns & Harbeth 30’s- different rooms, in-wall wiring, purchased used (on Audiogon) over the years.Very different sound.Love the K-horns for that “in your face” live sound w rock, prefer the Harbeth fo...