
Responses from jaybo

Best cartridge match for a Ariston Icon
i always recommend the mm AudioTechnica 150x. you can spend more or less of course, but the cartridge competes with the sound of 3 cartridges i own(and like)that sell for 3 to 4 times more. a workingman's decca. 
different speakers
the alons should rival the mids of the legendary dahlquist 10....with the bass as the icing on the cake.. something is amiss....chadnliz may have hit on it. they also love power. 
Dual CS-5000 headshell question
unfortunately scan ebay occasionally. its a great table...have fun 
Ohm Walsh old vs. Microwalsh new
if you have a smaller amp, and a smaller room..the micro. a larger room and amp, the 2. ohm will help you with questions. 
Exotic Reissue Lps VS. Rare orig Which one? $$=$$
i have just read this 3 times and i don't have a clue that the problem is....just buy music, any media you like. 
How to explain our obsessions to the uninitiated?
there are only 2 groups....1.people with obsessive hobbies and 2. people who don't understand people with obsessive hobbies. i hate to be the one to break the news, but putting your thoughts into writing for those in group 2 (it's a father-in-law ... 
Speakers opinions
the gershman 
Cables Are Crazy, what do you think?
just explain that the jackets that are the prettiest, always sound the best. 
Best used floorstanding / full range around $1000
go to mayaudio.com and pick up a pair of castle harlechs for 1050. yep, classic british loudspeakers, heirloom build, and sound that pretty much competes with anything around 5k. even when they were sold at their last retail of 2700 they were a st... 
How to explain our obsessions to the uninitiated?
trying to rationize anything to a father-in-law that doesn't benefit his daughter is pointless. to inlaws, saying you need to spend big money on hi fi because you love music, is like saying you drop acid because you enjoy all the colors in the world. 
an amp without "electronic" sound
will ultimately depend on the room and loudspeakers 
SNEAK PEEK: Lansche 4.1 Loudspeaker
hopefully this ad will sell one or two pairs. 
Old tube amp?
dynaco...still a contender 
NAD, and Vandersteen
yes they will sound fine 
if you the sounds your stereo makes, who cares what the dealers think? they aren't rocket scientists....just rude stereo guys. jeez.....if you want a new amp, for heaven's sake deal with specialists who are at least friendly.