Responses from jaybo
Aerial 9s--is there a lot more bass than 10Ts? two great speakers...the 10T is the marginal winner across the bandwidth | |
How to test if conductor is copper or silver based i think some of these experiments are variations of those used at the salem witch trials..happy halloween. | |
which tubes for which genre ? your dynaudio speakers are great allrounders...i wouldn't be afraid the pair them with any good push/pull tube or ss amp. | |
Calling all Garrard 301's owners/ sophisticated assuming the garrard is not your primary table(next to the sme), i would take it to a turntable specialist(even if it takes a while) for the once-over. Even if you are a DIYer at heart, i would still do this.....nice system | |
which tubes for which genre ? the dynaudio likes rock, and likes power too | |
Relative newbie with tt questions you may find info on www.thevinylengine.com | |
Harbeth - Audio Research? any product that makes one listen more is worthy | |
How to test if conductor is copper or silver based a jewelry store | |
proac sound vs coincident sound 40 watts should drive the proacs(a great speaker), but the coincidents should sound incredible. | |
Beatles Without George Martin? bueno senor Audiofeil...salight | |
uncompressed RVG i'm talking about the cd's | |
Totem Mani 2 Signatures vs. Usher BE-718 in a small to medium MAN CAVE, i have two favorites, the ohm mcro walsh tall(it really does it all for way less than a mani)...and the proac D2....both in a small to medium room offer up any type of music in a full range,major league fashion from ... | |
Beatles Without George Martin? the guy with the talking hand puppet, and bill dana were gods. | |
Turntable selection advise bill is right. its amazing how many stereotypes jump into a turntable and all the trappings of record collecting, without having a record collection. before jumping in, just know vinyl is expensive, imperfect, and interactive in a variety of ways. | |
VMPS 626 JR for a small to midsize room, with just about any amplification, the ohm micro walsh will rule...and you will get a speaker thats way underpriced for its comparible performance. |