
Responses from jay_douglas_2879b79

Von Schweikert VR2 vs Polk Audio LSi15
gotta say polk by a very wide margin 
Why is Shahinian not more popular
most hi end consumers would rather spend thousands on tweeking a room rather than buying a loudspeaker that uses the room to its benefit. other guys did this too with varying success. allison,vilchir,bose.....they were all brilliant like mr shahin... 
Differences between three turntables
the jr and its upgrades are still the most bang for the buck....the whole boyscout series is ok sonically, but a don't think it will stand the test of time. 
Copper vs Hybrid differences
your speakers, their placement, and your room will ultimely flesh out the detail you desire. the buils quality of cable is more important than conductor type, price, and claims of hearing things never heard before. your system should sound balance... 
thinking about replacing my Shahinian Arcs with...
stick with shahinian. as you already know, the wilsons are impressive LOOKING 
What CDP will better my digital seperates?
you pretty much are there with what you've got. its sort of like getting rid of a classic table/arm combo.....i'd hang on to it unless you are dying to spend a fortune. 
Athena ASF-2: are these speakers for real???
they sound fine with nad, creek, and lots of inexpensive gear. unlike lots of far more expensive speakers, they are well designed. 
Am I missing something?
the monitors are great 
Meadowlark Ospreys II ? Low Feq. Response?
the ospreys are not among the finest when it comes to top to bottom flat response. they sound quite musical with acoustic music, but jazz and rock 'out' their shortcomings 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
tivoli cd player 
SS amp mosfet 'haze' - ever experienced this?
try it with different speakers. the coicident speaker is not a good match, and the gamut is one of the finer mosfet designs in the marketplace. otherwise you will go through amplifiers like sherman through atlanta. 
Integrated Amp Choice: budget tubes or ss?
keep the marantz int.....get a new front end. 
Levinson 383 a good match for B&W 803D's
the levinson is perfect for the 803 
CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement
there are lots of quality differences in cases from different manufacturers. the maxell is better than most(not as delicate)......a jewel case can run from 7 cents to 25 cents to a music label and the difference in quality in huge. needless to say... 
Which CD player should I consider for my system ?
stick with nad