
Responses from jay_douglas_2879b79

Does anybody know about the Mac C-33 Pre-Amp?
love mac, but synergy is the thing with both brands....a pv 10 cj por favor 
accuphase vs dartzeel
no offense, but dartzell (in terms of sound)is less detailed than accuphase. sort of like mac(a big mac with swiss cheese if you will)....the overall presentation is quite good, the build is great but its no accuphase. from an investment standpoin... 
Early 80's - late 70's best audio products
advent and jbl loudspeakers. different, but both helped an entire generation to rock and roll affordably. also, pretty much all classic rock of the era was mixed using the jbl's. 
Threshold s150 or Forte 4a amplifier?
keep them both. two classic examples of ss. 
B & W speaker upgrade suggestions
if you like b&w just move up the line 
Just got some Chapmans
the chapmans T7's are one of the best loudspeakers ever made 'period'. along with hales, they are without a doubt a speaker that should have taken the audio world by storm.......i currently use gradient revolutions in my main system, and also have... 
McIntosh LS 320 speakers and Rotel
absolutely. a fine match 
Upgrade pre-amp to C2200 or speakers?
go with the c2200 
Butler amps?
please think a lot harder before spending that kind of money on just any amp. an 'interesting design' and a 6moons psychodorsement pretty much guarantee lots more questions than answers. this outfit also manufactures 'tube' car stereo(interesting ... 
Best bargain integrated amp?
no offense, but your cambridge is probably fine.....the speakers are not going to get better even if you spend alot more. remember, what you have is not the classic ae of yore, but the slap the logo on it generic variety. the cambridge, the creek,... 
Break in period for tube amp. How long?
if it sounds awful, it isn't a break-in situation. 
Less fatiquing
its not the bryston stuff...its nuetral as neutral 
from solid state to tube
get the cj back.....your friend is on the road to nowhere 
Name three of yours the most favourite drummers
rigo starr, tony williams, dino dinelli 
Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?
all three